The Republican Union Of Terranova


The Republican Union of Terranova


"Nothing but death and eternal damnation for the Rude Union."


Commonwealth President Lilith Angelique Gault, in a speech before Parliament immediately following the attack on Clavileno, 15 January, 2082

General Information

The Rights of Zeds

"Zeds got too goddamn many effing rights, if you ask me."


Then-Terranova Prime Minister Guy Thomas Zellner, in an interview with Straight Talk host Gregory Delgado, 19 January,2078

Zeds have no rights in the Rude Union, Guy Zellner's lies to the contrary...they are forbidden to be anything other than beasts of burden, domestic drudges, brood mares and slaves, with even the slightest glimmer of ability in anything immediately being punished with brutallity unrivalled even by the worst of WARCOM's abuses, with those zed refusing to break being shipped off to a variety of places designed for their "containment."

Terranovan Child Labor Laws: As per Article 112 of the Official Code of Terranova, zeds can legally be put to work-in only the absolutely worst and lowest-paying jobs-at the age of ten, while other Terranovans aren't allowed to work until the age of twelve...the rationale for these low minimum ages being that Terranova, at the time of the Enosis nearly five decades ago, needed a way to exapnd the native workforce without recruiting offworlders.

It only outwardly appears discriminatory towards most citizens...outward appearances being more than sufficent for them to cry about being victimized, at the same time they brutalize their zeds out of the pittances they are allowed to have once the Yanker government gets through deducting health insurance, retirement, Union and county income taxes and a seven and three-quarters percent "welfare penalty" imposed on all zed workers in Terranovan soil simply because they get such preferential treatment over hard-working, taxpaying citizens to begin with....

Haziri Rights


"The law don't mean [crap], if you got a big [phallus].

That's how every country's run.

My well-hung hammer's the only friend I'll ever need.

I helped the Man, and the Man won.

I helped the Man, and the Man won...."

The Horses, "I Helped The Man(And The Man Won)," released 2089


While Terranova's Haziri population talk a great game about being discriminated against by the Human "majority," the truth is altogether different...Haziri are the jailers of the real inmates of Terranova's ghettos...zeds, incarcerated there to be worked to death in the mines, factories and fields in Yanker soil, dehumanised beasts of burden forced to perform the most dangerous, demeaning, degrading, exhausting, back-breaking shitwork in existence, subjected to the most casually unspeakable acts of sadism, while the "downtrodden" Haziri , successfully assimilated into Terranovan society at all levels, exhort the zeds to take responsibility for "their" bad life choices and enjoy the fruits of their labor and suffering.

The Terranovan Government

The Governor of the Union

"For Christ's sake, you're supposed to shoot mad dogs, not sit in judgement over them!"


Firestar Legislator and popular InterWeb blogger Irma DeLong, MP, KC.C., on the floor of Parliament, 20.November, 2089, in regards to Terranova Governor Guy Zellner

The Governor of the Union is an absolute dictator-in fact, if not by law-willingly installed in office by his citizen co-conspirators(from the northern fifty of the Union's 159 counties), zeds' votes being deleted from the Ministry of State's intranet in New Whitehorse just before the final results are tallied, and just after the Movie Board's mediacorps talk about how the newly-installed Governor successfully managed to appeal successfully to "the all-important zed voting bloc" ...just so zeds can be blamed for his misdeeds after he takes office....

The sole caveat is that he must please his fellow men, else they will combine and depose him-as happened with E.J. Busbee, deposed and executed by his lover, then-Prime Minister Guy Thomas Zellner, in 2082, Zellner being elected to a term of his own that same year and not holding elections until 2100.

In addition to his duties as chief executive officer of the Union, the Governor of the Union is also the head of the General Assembly(q.v.)and commander-in-chief of the military and the National Police.

The Governor of the Union stands for election every four years.

The Cabinet

Consisting of the heads of government agencies the Cabinet ministers are, in current order of succession(as per the Union Succession Act of 2057, amended 2217): the Prime Minister Of the Union-also head of the TSID(q.v.)-the Attorney-General of the Union, the Chief of Military Operations, the Foreign Minister, the Minister of Prisons, the Minister of Family and Children's Services, the Minister of Health and Human Capital, the Minister of Labor, the Minister of Technology and Telecommunications, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Minister of Public Services, the Union Fire and Insurance Comissioner, the Minister of Natural Resources, the Minister of Transportation, the Minister of Colonial Affairs, the CEO of Texoma-Halliburton, the Chancellor of the University System of Terranova, the Minister of Corporate Relations, the Minister of Agriculture, the Secretary of State and the Minister of Education.

Cabinet officers serve at the whim of the Governor...and, he at theirs.

The Common Legislature

The Common Legislature is a bicameral body, consisting of the lower house, or General Assembly, and the upper house, known as the House of Commons.

The General Assembly: Headed by the Governor of the Union, the General Assembly comprises ten members from each of Bassterre's fifty northern counties and plus non-voting Delegates from the Fall Line, the South Coast, the Terranovan Homesteads and all the offworld Terranovan colonies except Witch's Tit.

Voting members of the General Assembly-referred to as Assemblymen-stand for election every two years, while Delegates are appointed to their posts by the Governor of the Union.

The House Of Commons: The upper house and the actual seat of power in the Common Legislature. The Prime Minister presides over the House of Commons and is selected from amongst their number by majority decision of the members of Commons(referred to as Legislators).

Each of the North Coast counties elects an at-large Legislator to Commons, with that county's Chief Administrator serving as the statutory represenative to the House of Commons. Also, the Governor and the other Cabinet ministers serve as ex officio members of the House of Commons.

Legislators stand for election once every six years.

The Supreme Court

Twenty-three men who serve at the Governor's whim. Their job is to interpret the Articles of Union to benefit the government and their agenda.

They serve for life and convene every three months in Atlanta Three.

County Government

Each of Terranova's 159 counties is governed by a board of comissioners, elected every four years by their citizen co-conspirators, the comissoners, in turn, appointing a chief administrator to oversee the day-to-day running of the county, vesting in him supreme executive and legislative authority within that county.

Colonial Government

Terranova's offworld colonies are governed either as Special Military Colonies-absolute military dictatorships under the authority of a Commanding General(who holds the title Special Provost Marshal) answerable only to the Governor and the Union Security Council-as satrapies(offworld facilities) of Texoma-Halliburton(q.v.), run by Chief Administrators appointed by the Governor of the Union on the advice of the CEO of Texoma-Halliburton, as joint fiefdoms of both Excelsior and the Terranovan Armed Forces, or, in the case of Witch's Tit, penal colonies under the direct authority of the Ministry of Prisons.

No matter who runs them, their purpose is the same: Slave labor death camps for the zeds condemned to them.


The Terranovan Republican Spacefleet

The Terranovan Republican Spacefleet is the elite service amongst the Terranovan armed forces, consisting of 180 fleets, for a total of 180 Governor-class battle cruisers, 900 Freeman Lang-class heavy cruisers, and 1,800 Benjamin Zellner-class cruisers.

The TRS also maintains a Pathfinder Command, consisting of some 120,000 Ranger-class long-range scoutcraft(called pathfinders). Pathfinder Command's mission is that of exploration, though, by some strange coincidence, the systems Pathfinder Command's scouts are assigned to explore just happen to be the ones colonized by the Commonwealth.

The TRS dress uniform is white, with either a sailor caps for its enlisted men or a peaked cap for its officers. Standard duty uniform is an olive-drab green flight suit and grav shielding, with a laser pistol and a laser lance for armament(security police also use laser rifles).

The TRS' commanding officer is the Fleet Admiral, who sits on the Union Security Council.

The Terranovan Republican Marine Corps

The Terranovan Republican Marine Corps is the ground fighting force of the Yanker armed forces, with 405 million men in its ranks, organized into 45 "shock armies," integrating both heavy infantry and armored forces at the regimental level; the heavy infantry using M80 heavy infantry combat suits equipped with six five-terajoule laser cannons, twin head-mounted multi-missile launchers and ten five-hundred gigajoule autolasers in addition to grav, while its armored units use UV-116 Mulroney wing-in-ground-effect(WIG) APCs and AV-51 Powell WIG main-battle tanks, Marine infantrymen wearing Mark II Land Warrior powered skeinsuits with grav shielding, armed with 500-gigajoule laser rifles, 250-gigajoule laser pistols and laser lances.

The head of the TRMC is the Commandant of the Marine Corps, an officer of five-star rank who sits on the Union Security Council.

The Special Forces Command

More ruthless than even the NSIC's infamous Marine Disciplinary Units, the Terranovan Republican Special Forces Command is the only special operations force in human hsitory to be constituted as a separate branch of service.

Its purpose: To serve as muscle for the TSID, the National Police and the Ministry of Prisons, in addition to standard commando duties in wartime and police duties in the Terranovan colonies not otherwise under the authority of Texoma-Halliburton(q.v.). Special Forces Command members wear blood-red berets and tiger-striped Land Warrior armor with grav shielding, their dress uniform being hunter green.

They are armed with massdriver rifles, massdriver pistols, chainblades and electrowhips.

The head of the Special Forces Command is the Commandant of the Special Forces, who sits on the Union Security Council.

The Terranovan Security and Intelligence Directorate

The Terranovan Security and Intelligence Directorate is the secret police force par excellence, with unlimited power to spy on people, arrest anyone on general prinicples, shoot to kill with impunity, enter homes without a warrant, interrogate anyone any way they feel appropriate-without regard to civil rights, health or continued existence of the subject.

The TSID have infiltrators everywhere in Terranovan soil, with a network of electronic surveillance devices built into every house, every lamppost, every traffic light, every garbage can, every ladies' restroom, every Moot House backroom....their undercover operatives are responsible for the smooth running of all criminial activity within the Union.

The TSID is further charged with external intelligence gathering as well. Its titular head is the Prime Minister of the Union, with the day-to-day operations overseen by a Director of Union Security who sits on the Union Security Council.

The National Police

The National Police is the Union's sole police force, organized into 159 commands at the county level, each headed by a full coloniel; they are singularlly ruthless in the execution of their job.

They are equipped with LAV-125 wheeled APCs, each armed with a turreted five-terajoule laser, as well as ACV-137U Spectre IV gunships, each armed with a five-terajoule laser, five five-hundred gigajoule autolasers on either side of the fuselage, grav shielding shielding and a plutonium oxide gas discharger; National Policemen themselves are armed with massdriver pistols, massdriver rifles and stunsticks, wearing Land Warrior armor and grav shielding for armor.

National Policemen patrol in two-man teams, driving Ford-Davidson Magnum police crusiers.

Needless to say, the National Police do not stop crime, nor is it their real purpose; the Gnats use the fear of crime as an excuse to perpetrate the most horrific atrocites upon zeds, and everyone else as well, and are invariably the first response any Governor has to any form of dissent, his next being to send in the Special Forces Command, immediately followed by the Marines....

The Adjutant General of the National Police is a general of five-star rank overseeing the day-to-day operations of the National Police and is a sitting member of the Union Security Council.

Miscellanous Organizations

The Cadet Corps

"A Cadet is a treacherous, disloyal, lecherous, hateful, dirty, filthy, [buggering], no-good, miserable excuse for a sad sack of [crap]."


Spray-painted onto the walls of the Cadet barracks in Freeman Lang, on Terranova, following the civilian rape-murder trial and conviction of Terranova Republican Special Forces Command Lieutenant Coloniel Eli Feldmann, a Cadet Corps commander and chairman of the Terranovan Fall Line Boy Scout Council, 22 September, 2217.

A Cadet is untrustworthy, loyal when conveneint, helpful when there's something in it for him, friendly to his fellow citizens when convenient and not at all to zeds, sadistic and cruel while pretending to be kind, unquestionlly obedient, a buttkisser to those above him, wasteful, greedy and wantonly destructive, brave only when the odds are stacked in his favor, disdainful of the dirt and sweat of hard work and of any compassionate, sympathetic emotions, especially towards zeds, and reverent to the institutions which allow him to be the cravenly sadistic monster that he is.

Every male in Terranovan soil must be in a Cadet battalion, starting in primary school, all the way to high school and college.

The most basic organization in the Cadet Corps is the squad, consisting of eight Cadets, led by the most senior and politically-connected of the eight.

They are further organized into battalions, and the battalions, in turn form commands.

The uniforms of all Scouts are khaki. Their battalions are led by Cadet Commanders, who are required to serve at least ten years in either the NCO, warrant or officer grades of any of the Terranovan armed services.

Other Information

Population: 22,123,285,726,400 persons.

Capital City(Legislative): New Whitehorse, on Terranova.

Captial City(Judicial): Atlanta Three, on Terranova.

Monetary Unit: Terranovan Standard Currency($TSC), equal to Cr 0.069, subdivided into 100 pennies, 20 nickels, 10 dimes and four quarters; there are no half-dollar or three-quarter dollar pieces in Terranovan Standard Currency.

National Motto: Sapentia, Justitio et Moderato(Latin: Wisdom, Justice and Moderation).

National Anthem: "Glory To the Union," lyrics Charles Earl Ray, 2035, music based on "John Brown's Body," by Julia Ward Beecher, 1856.
