Primary Skill Areas and Professions

Each PC may select up to 3 Primary Skill Areas (PSA) at character creation. These represent areas in which the PC has a natural affinity or concerted training, and therefore skill associated with the PSA are easier for the PC to learn than skills that are outside the PSA. In addition, should more than one PSA be chosen from the same Profession, then that character gains extra skill points at character creation, representing the more cohesive nature of the training and cross-training that occurs.

A character may chose to only select one or two PSAs at creation, and choose the remaining one(s) later in the game. This represents the character who later develops an affinity for a skill area or receives formal training later on. However, XP previously spent to gain skills in the new PSA at the higher non-PSA cost are NOT "refunded".

Professions and their associated PSAs are as follows:

1) Counselor: Administrator, Diplomat, Psychotherapist

2) Enforcer: Combat Specialist, Heavy Weapons Expert, Investigator, Security Specialist

3) Scientific Specialist (SciSpec): Academician, Astrogator, Engineer, Physician, Scientist, System Specialist, Wilderness Expert

4) Technical Expert (TechEx): Computer Specialist, Pilot, Roboticist, Technical Engineer