targeting systems


There are a few targeting systems available. They range from simple to high tech military gear.

Manual Targeting- This is the cheapest system available. It requires a gunner to operate the system in close proximity. The gunner also receives a hard cover bonus.

Electronic Targeting System- This system requires that a special targeting recticle be mounted on the weapon system. The gunner then has a +1 CS due to the electric sighting system helping to better lock-on the target and still provides the gunner with hard cover.

Cyber-link- This is a helmet that let's the gunner remote target the weapons systems.

It is attached to the vehicles computer and aids in targeting. The gunner may choose which weapons to fire, up to a maximum of 3.

Eye-weapon coordination- This is a special helmet that uses small lasers and complex circuitry that scans the eye movements of the wearer and aims the weapons to the wearers line of sight. This high tech system gives the user a +3 CS , but negates any weapons skills.