    #SeverityIssueStatusCommentssort icon
    159MinorFeature Request: #new to What's New Unresolved2
    172MinorForum Polls Unresolved2
    188ModerateSimplify the Projects with the following... Unresolved2
    192ModerateNew Games Notification Will not fix2
    198MinorRSS feeds Unresolved2
    201ModerateUploading images Fully Resolved2
    202Minorwarning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! Fully Resolved2
    205MinorFeature: Add "view" and "edit" links to character sheets Unresolved2
    206MinorAdding folders to the download section of projects Unresolved2
    221MinorQuickTime plugin crashes constantly on this site Unresolved2
    49ModerateEdit Project Name? Fully Resolved3
    51MinorMass Document Rename Fully Resolved3
    74Minorcan't use "/" in new project titles Fully Resolved3
    83MinorIcons don't match up Will not fix3
    84MinorThought to Text Will not fix3
    90MinorFamily +/- Causing Script Errors Again Will not fix3
    104MinorPoll Discussions hard to notice Unresolved3
    108MinorAdblock Plus plugin for Firefox adblocking certain images Fully Resolved3
    110MinorIE 7 stack overflow Fully Resolved3
    111Minornot suppling a Subject in a Forum erases text in RTF edit Fully Resolved3
    123MinorProject Managers: Sticky Forum Topics Fully Resolved3
    126MinorFeature request - loose navigation tabs in Support and Download sections of a project Unresolved3
    128Moderatebutton/tab that lead to the character sheet generation page. Unresolved3
    140MinorNumber of Downloads Fully Resolved3
    168MinorNew posts not showing up in 'What's New' Fully Resolved3
    171ModerateTable Formatting Problem in Forum Fully Resolved3
    174Minordice roller driving me nuts Fully Resolved3
    200MinorPage reload after post should take you to the new post Unresolved3
    204MajorLink Character Sheets to main navigation Fully Resolved3
    23MinorFeature Request: wider content area on screen Unresolved4