Part 2a: Alternative Character Generation

Fixed Ability Total
This is another option, for those players tired of rolling poorly while the person to their left gets a hand full of 65’s.

This option balances one character against the others, makes sure no one person gets so lucky that his abilities cause him to dominate play. Simply alot 180 points among all four ability score pairs. You can still personalize the scores after, making sure not to shift more than 10 points from one ability to its matched pair. Remember that no ability can start higher than 70 before applying racial adjustments.

Referees can change this total to have more or less heroic player characters, referring to the following table:

Power RatingTotal Points

EXAMPLE: Remington Braun wishes to create a "Realistic" yazirian character by this method for a new campaign. 180 points divided by 4 is 45, so the basic character can begin like this:
STR/STA: 45/45
DEX/RS:   45/45
INT/LOG:  45/45
PER/LDR:  45/45

By shifting numbers around the character can end up like this:
STR/STA: 55/55
DEX/RS:   45/45
INT/LOG:  45/45
PER/LDR:  35/35

Then further modified as this:
STR/STA: 55/55
DEX/RS:   50/50
INT/LOG:  40/40
PER/LDR:  35/35

And finally like this:
STR/STA: 50/60
DEX/RS:   55/45
INT/LOG:  40/40
PER/LDR:  35/35

Remington Braun's yazirian now excels more in combat prowess but comes up short on education and social interaction, yet the abilities will be on par with any other character generated by the same method and a balanced party will result.