    #SeverityIssueStatusCommentssort icon
    173MinorProject Creation Notification Problem Unresolved0
    186MinorDocument Editing Members and Document Privacy Option Unresolved0
    193MinorFreature Request: Sortable columns in Private Messages Unresolved0
    196MinorFeature: Add input filter documentation Unresolved0
    203MinorWhat's New - add # of new comments. Unresolved0
    209Minor"Back to topics" link takes me to the Polls Unresolved0
    217MinorProject Start Bar for Lite and List Tabs Unresolved0
    218MajorGuestbook "Report!" Button Fully Resolved0
    222ModerateBanners Are Not Rotating Unresolved0
    224ModerateSpam content erased and offender deleted. Fully Resolved0
    228MinorSpam delete. Fully Resolved0
    225ModerateSpam, content erased and offender deleted Fully Resolved0
    226MinorSpam delete. Fully Resolved0
    227MajorSpam delete. Fully Resolved0
    229MinorSpam Fully Resolved0
    232MinorDuplicate project Unresolved0
    22MinorFeature Request: Multiple Quotes? Will not fix1
    24MajorPrivate Message broken? Fully Resolved1
    29MinorInterface annoyances: pager location, disabling RTF editor Duplicate1
    30MajorSignatures can break the layout of the site Fully Resolved1
    31MinorDownloads Page Fully Resolved1
    35MinorDownloadables: progress bars? Will not fix1
    39ModerateADD NEW button for downloads page not working Fully Resolved1
    44ModerateFatal Error during updates Fully Resolved1
    48MinorDynamic page reloads Fully Resolved1
    56MinorPreview Button Fully Resolved1
    61MinorSuggestion: Multiquote Duplicate1
    73MinorReceive e-mail for unread messages - Daily not working Fully Resolved1
    78MajorRTF editor missing when editing project Fully Resolved1
    100MinorPoll Missing Comments Fully Resolved1