![]() January 8, 2013 - 6:36pm |
CEOs And some observations on the megacorps, need some
opinions here. PAN-GALACTIC CORPORATION Headquarters: Port Loren, Gran Quivera, Prenglar Chief
Executive: Chang Kim Lee (Human) STREEL CORPORATION Headquarters: Point True, Pale, Truane's Star Chief
Executive: Hilo Headow (Yazirian) CASSADINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Headquarters: New Hope, Triad, Cassidine Chief Executive: Members of the Board of Directors
share equal power; most noted Director is Xoprothun (Dralasite) GALACTIC TASK FORCE INCORPORATED Headquarters: Port Loren, Gran Quivera, Prenglar Chief Executive: Vlad Lopex (Human) MERCCO Headquarters: Buckerton, Kdikit, Madderly's Star Chief Executive: Ebser Henshaw (Yazirian) TRANS-TRAVEL Headquarters: Sengsen, Terledrom, Fromeltar Chief Executive: Ruled by a council of Vrusk whose
identities are not common knowledge SYNTHETICS CORPORATION Headquarters: Synthtown, Inner Reach, Dramune Chief Executive: Krondot (Dralasite) UNIVERSAL HOUSEHOLDS Headquarters: Hyyay, Hakosoar, Scree Fron Chief Executive: K'an Ku (Vrusk) INTERPLANETARY INDUSTRIES Headquarters: Lake Vast, Triad, Cassidine Chief Executive: Harlon Thow (Human) NESMITH ENTERPRISES OF TRIAD Headquarters: Malicon Valley, Triad, Cassidine Chief Executive: Unknown STARPLAY ENTERPRISES Headquarters: Maxe, Minotaur, Theseus Chief Executive: Zsa-Nin (Yazarian) ASSOCIATION OF INTERGALACTIC POWER SUPPLIERS Headquarters: Klaktow, Hargut, Gruna Garu Chief Executive: Petrov Noptolova (Human) GALACTIC OVERALL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Headquarters: Onehome, Hentz, Araks Chief Executive: Rev. Yeppir (Yazirian) TACHTON INSTRUMENTS Headquarters: Tachton, Lossend, Timeon Chief Executive: Margaret Bouvia (Human) WARTECH INCORPORATED Headquarters: Heston, Hargut, Gruna Garu Chief Executive: Lance "Gunner" Todd
(Human) EVERSAFE ENTERPRISES Headquarters: Moline, Clarion, White Light Chief Executive: E. LeRoy Lange (Human) CAPELLAN FREE MERCHANTS Headquarters: Red Islan, Faire, Capella Chief Executives: The Council of Twelve, a revolving
membership drawn from Capellan elders who have been Free Merchants. There are 17 megacorps but the breakdown of CEOs is: Human-7 Yazirian-4 Vrusk-2 Dralasite-1 Mixed-2 Unknown-1 The unknown is supposed to be a super computer but
we’ll skip that for now. For some reason humans outnumber everybody the
supposed “super business beings” the Vrusk only have two on the list and one of
them (Trans-Travel) is really a body of government appointees which the book
listed as Yazirians and I changed. Without the change the Vrusk only have one
megacorp. Could be worse the Dralasites have only megacorp
(the other listed Dralasite sits on a mixed board) Also of the Humans six have male names. So women
stay at home. Two of the seven have Russian names. Go comrades. Now some of the HQ choices are strange, like why is
AIPS located on a non-industrial world? Or why are some of the CEOs on planets which do not
have their race as primary? Before you answer remember that since the races live
so long and the timeline of the Frontier is so short, most of these CEOs are
the founders. Synthetics Corp is located on Inner Reach which is
the low pop free thinking garden world. You get the impression Inner Reach is a
hippie haven yet the company is named Synthetic? Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() January 9, 2013 - 8:05pm | CDC and STreel are good IMO as for Hilo being a yaz thats easy Hilo was a sathar war 1 veteran who simply settled on Pale after the fighting and took over Streel Insurance, a decimated company and built it to be the No 2 mega corp in a short time CDC and Galactic Task force- no objections to these, Vlad Lopex is affectionately known as Vlad the Impaler in the corporate culture of the company. Merco- I would have objected to a yaz CEO at Madderly's star but I think the connection with Streel is why its a Yaz that Hilo and Hebser are both old war vets and that lead to the allaince between them. he's like biker toilet paper: rough as barbwire and dont take poo off no one. Trans Travel- I spotted the change right away, good choice Synth corp- no problem with the dral CEO nor did I get that Inner Reach was a Hippie commune, the planetary response in Dramune Run doesn't jive with a hippie culture. Planet is moderate population and I dont see a problem with that. OTOH Synth corp and the malthar both being in the drug business sets up some industrial espionage angles Uni-Ho- a vrusk CEO on the absolute back water of yazirian space? I dont think so, change it to a yaz. II- no problems with it NET- nice call on the CEO must be a computer, work in a paranoia theme and some Orwellian "the computer is watching you" and this has legs to run with. Star Play- I dont know that I have that much of a problem with a yaz ceo even on this Human world but since we've ditched the vrusk CEO in Scree Fron lets make this one a Vrusk on a world that is one jump from Kraatar and on the route back to vrusk space. Any of the seedier side of Star Play's business is just business to the vrusk mind set AIPS on hargut with a human CEO- seems a stretch but make it a banding together of independent yaz clans to compete on a bigger level and hey that works. Oh yeah make it a yaz CEO GodCo and Tachton- no problems I see with these Wartech- a human on a yaz clan world? again a problem with that perhaps keep the human and change the head quarters. Wartech does have a world it controlls so... Eversafe and CFM- works for me As too the small representation of vrusk among mega corp CEOs- I think it goes to the actual corporate culture of vrusk business and that the natural tendency is not to build interstellar mega corps but to build a trade house on one planet after the ancient hive model more or less though some trade houses evolve into conglomerates and some of those are mutli system but by and large the vrusk corporate culture is geared toward the company as a family and the be and and end all for all employees. it could be rooted in the solidarity dance or soldality dance as Spiritcoyote put it (I still need to look up that word) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 9, 2013 - 8:12pm | To sum up the changes I wouls suggest 1. Trans Travel- vrusk board 2. Uni-ho of Scree Fron- needs yaz CEO 3. Star Play of Theseus needs a vrusk CEO 4. AIPS make it a collection of yazirian clans banding together for their own protection 5. Wartech move the headquarters some where else that would make more sense I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 10, 2013 - 3:37pm |
Agree with the Vrusk being business oriented just not big business. They tend to specialize too much. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() January 10, 2013 - 8:52pm |
CEOs Here’s an updated list with changes highlighted. PAN-GALACTIC CORPORATION Headquarters: Port Loren, Gran Quivera, Prenglar Chief
Executive: Chang Kim Lee (Human) STREEL CORPORATION Headquarters: Point True, Pale, Truane's Star Chief
Executive: Hilo Headow (Yazirian) CASSADINE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Headquarters: New Hope, Triad, Cassidine Chief Executive: Members of the Board of Directors
share equal power; most noted Director is Xoprothun (Dralasite) GALACTIC TASK FORCE INCORPORATED Headquarters: Port Loren, Gran Quivera, Prenglar Chief Executive: Vlad Lopex (Human) MERCCO Headquarters: Buckerton, Kdikit, Madderly's Star Chief Executive: Ebser Henshaw (Yazirian) TRANS-TRAVEL Headquarters: Sengsen, Terledrom, Fromeltar Chief Executive: Ruled by a council of Vrusk whose
identities are not common knowledge SYNTHETICS CORPORATION Headquarters: Synthtown, Inner Reach, Dramune Chief Executive: Krondot (Dralasite) UNIVERSAL HOUSEHOLDS Headquarters: Hyyay, Hakosoar, Scree Fron Chief
Executive: Kan Ku (Yazirian) INTERPLANETARY INDUSTRIES Headquarters: Lake Vast, Triad, Cassidine Chief Executive: Harlon Thow (Human) NESMITH ENTERPRISES OF TRIAD Headquarters: Malicon Valley, Triad, Cassidine Chief Executive: Unknown (An AI with a special agenda) STARPLAY ENTERPRISES Headquarters: Maxe, Minotaur, Theseus Chief
Executive: Z’sa-Kin (Vrusk) ASSOCIATION OF INTERGALACTIC POWER SUPPLIERS Headquarters: Klaktow, Hargut, Gruna Garu Chief Executive: Petrov Noptolova (Human) GALACTIC OVERALL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Headquarters: Onehome, Hentz, Araks Chief Executive: Rev. Yeppir (Yazirian) TACHTON INSTRUMENTS Headquarters: Tachton, Lossend, Timeon Chief Executive: Margaret Bouvia (Human) WARTECH INCORPORATED Headquarters:
Heston, Theseus, Minotaur Chief Executive: Lance "Gunner" Todd
(Human) EVERSAFE ENTERPRISES Headquarters: Moline, Clarion, White Light Chief Executive: E. LeRoy Lange (Human) CAPELLAN FREE MERCHANTS Headquarters: Red Islan, Faire, Capella Chief Executives: The Council of Twelve, a revolving
membership drawn from Capellan elders who have been Free Merchants. Wartech moved to Theseus. Seemed appropriate since
it is named after a legendary warrior. It is listed as having a business and industrial
trade classification. Starplay takes the business, Wartech gets the industry. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() January 10, 2013 - 8:29pm | Uni-ho if there is a problem with this one being yaz then I'd say move it AIPS the change I suggested was a path of least resistence but what the hell lets keep a human CEO on a yaz world and have a story to explain why. i love a good story I dont quite agree on dralasites being the natural for starting Star Play. Personally I would think the ultimate in sleezy humanity might work but really, I like the above board image of Star Play but keep the obvious sleeze factor of the unmentioned Star Play businesses like brothels. the more I think of it though I like a vrusk at the helm- everything is just business. He doesn't hide the brothels because he thinks they're dirty he hides them because he doesn't think they're attractive (vrusk psyche thing) I like Wartech on Minotaur that works for me and puts it closer to its corporate controlled planet. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |