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    Eorna Ruins - LVL 3 - Mechanon Lab

    Version: 1.0
    Project: Volturnus Revisited
    File Name: Eorna Ruins LVL 3 - Mechanon lab.png
    File Size: 373.42 KB
    File Type: image/png
    Updated: July 15, 2012 - 7:58pm
    Submitted: OnceFarOff
    WIP - The entrance to the destroyed Eorna defense installation is hidden behind a waterfall. The deranged Eorna scientist Anon rebuilt and repurposed the engineering equipment that remained to provide the infrastructure for his "Greatest Plan" - the Mechanon.

    I also have another version of this map with a picked through and salvaged ruin that I'm working up, but this one is more interesting...