Fromeltar System

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Naming Conventions in the Fromeltar System
Almost all places in the Fromeltar system have dual names; in both Dralasite and Vrusk languages. This is due to the fact that Fromeltar (Krik Var) is the home world of the vrusk species. When the dralasites were discovered and settled here they could not pronounce most Vrusk words and Dralasite names were developed.

With the development of the Pan Gal language the Dralasite names for locations in the Fromeltar system entered into the Pan Gal lexicon largely because the lead linguist was a dralasite. The vrusk have never made an issue about this as they recognize their language is unpronouncible by the other species in the Frontier and simply use the Vrusk names which their polyvoxes translate into Pan Gal.