All characters have eight abilities, arranged in four pairs. These are Strength/Stamina, Dexterity/ Reaction Speed, Intuition/Logic, and Personality/Leadership. These eight abilities tell players how strong, fast, smart and masterful their characters are. They are explained below.

Each of these abilities could have a score from 1 to 100. However an ability score generated during character generation phase will have a score between 30 and 70. This is explained in the Characters section. Circumstances of the game can raise and lower scores.

Strength is a measure of how strong the character is. A character with a low Strength score is scrawny and weak. A character with a high Strength score is very strong. A character with a Strength score of 100 may be one fo the strongest characters around. Strength is a physical ability score and is abbreviated STR within these rules.

Stamina measures a character's physical fitness and general health. A character with low stamina will get tired easily and will be prone to injury and diesease. A character with high Stamina could work hard all day without getting tired, and might never be sick a day in his life. Stamina also measures how badly a character can be wounded beforehe passes out or dies. Stamina is a physical ability score and is abbreviated DEX within these rules.

Dexterity measures a character's coordination. Character's with low Dexterity scores are clumsy, while characters with high Dexterity scores are very agile. Desterity is very important in combat. Dexterity is a physical ability score and is abbreviated DEX within these rules.

Reaction Speed measures the quickness of a character's reflexes. If a character with a low Reaction Speed is attacked suddenly, he probably will fumble with his weapon or react slowly. A character with a high Reaction Speed could draw and fire a weapon quickly, jump out of the way of a run away stagecoach, etc. Reaction Speed is a physical ability score and is abbreviated INT within these rules.

Intuition measures a character's alertness and ability to draw conclusions from what seem to be unrelated fats. Characters with high Intuition scores are more likely to solve problems by having  hunches or making guesses than by carefully considering all the evidence. Intuition is a mental ability score and is abbreviated INT within these rules.

Logic is a character's ability to solve problems in an orderlly, step-by-step way. It is the opposite of Intuition. Characters with high Logic scores make good doctors and gamblers. Logic is a mental ability score and is abbreviated INT within these rules.

Personality measures how well a character gets along with others. Characters with high Personality scores are friendly, pleasant and persuasive, while those with low scores may be grouchy and hard to get along with. Personality is a mental ability score and is abbreviated PER within these rules.

Leadership measures a character's ability to give orders that other people will understand and obey. It also measures how willing other people will be to work for the character, take his advice or follow him into a dangerous situation. Leadership is a mental ability score and is abbreviated LDR within these rules.