1 | Minor | Consistency on the use of "Reply" or "Comment" | Fully Resolved |
2 | Minor | Signature wacky behavior | Fully Resolved |
5 | Minor | "Select All" for inboxes | Fully Resolved |
3 | Minor | Request Memebership button: interface improvement | Fully Resolved |
4 | Minor | Automated Messages from "Anonymous" | Fully Resolved |
6 | Moderate | Announcements count against your message quota | Fully Resolved |
7 | Minor | Autocompleting "To" box for Messages | Fully Resolved |
8 | Minor | Consistency on emails from site | Fully Resolved |
9 | Minor | Spellcheck in the RTF editor | Fully Resolved |
10 | Minor | Private Messaging: make window larger for message body | Fully Resolved |
11 | Moderate | Problem when viewing guestbooks while not logged in | Fully Resolved |
12 | Minor | Project Document Visibility selection | Fully Resolved |
13 | Moderate | Project Managers have no control over their forums | Fully Resolved |
14 | Minor | User Registration screen/login improvements | Fully Resolved |
15 | Minor | Further Interface Improvements for "Request Membership" | Fully Resolved |
16 | Minor | Feature Request: Online Status Indicator | Fully Resolved |
17 | Moderate | Design Docs: delete, Move, etc. | Fully Resolved |
18 | Moderate | Login Security | Fully Resolved |
19 | Minor | "Quote" option not always found | Fully Resolved |
20 | Minor | RTF editor's font isn't like the rest of the site | Fully Resolved |
21 | Minor | URLs not being converted to links | Fully Resolved |
25 | Minor | Interface Improvement: nav buttons on top and bottom | Fully Resolved |
26 | Moderate | Improvement Request: privacy settings | Fully Resolved |
27 | Minor | Request: Links Page? | Fully Resolved |
28 | Minor | Returning to top after commenting on a long forum | Fully Resolved |
46 | Minor | Status of a Support Issue | Fully Resolved |
131 | Minor | Embeded document showing div < < > > | Fully Resolved |
138 | Minor | QuickLinks Manager Needs Buttons | Fully Resolved |
152 | Minor | Tabs Needed in Project Posting Window | Unresolved |
163 | Minor | Feature Req: Character generator special edit mode.... | Duplicate |