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    Clikk War Tank Mk II

    Version: 2
    Project: Joe's Half-Baked Ideas
    File Name: Clikk Wartank Mk II V2.pdf
    File Size: 990.11 KB
    File Type: application/pdf
    Updated: January 25, 2017 - 6:14pm
    Submitted: JCab747
    An uprated version of the classic Clikk War Tank.

    jedion357's picture
    January 25, 2017 - 7:09pm
    I've always thought that a tank of this size is the result of an arms race and a response to something of similar size. 

    I've also wondered if since the clikks visited Starmist 700 years ago and the Sathar were active 900 years ago on Volturnus that it was possible that the clikks and sathar were enemies? 

    However, the sathar would certainly have deployed a battlefield monstrosity against the UPF and thus we would have seen it.

    I like to think that the clikks were facing an enemy with mech Walker's such that 2-3 Walker's were needed to take out one tank. But who would this enemy have been?
    I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!