September 26, 2013 - 9:58am | Fromeltar Defense Force (FDF) The Fromeltar Defense Force was established to provide protection to the system and monitoring trade. The PAK (on Terledrom) primarily overseas business concerns and the FDF falls into this business concern as it enforces import restrictions and tariffs. Candidates from all three planets volunteer for service within the FDF, as well as form outside. 30% of the FDF are from Groth, 10% Terledrom and 20% from Zik-kit. The remaining percentage come from abroad the Frontier. On Groth it is advertised that it is a "patriotic duty" to volunteer for the FDF. Majority of the FDF are Vrusk or Dralasite. Out of the 2,000 members, only about 500 are actually assigned to spaceships. These 500 members are divided into a Gold & White shifts. So at anytime only have of these members are on duty but, the spaceships are always on duty. Enlisted Cadet Spaceman Spaceman First Class Non-commissioned Officer Petty Officer Second Class Petty Officer First Class Chief Petty Officer Senior NCO, one per Assault Scout, Frigate and ASS Master Chief Petty Officer One within the FDF and commands all NCOs and Enlisted Officer Ensign Ensign must go through Cadet training and the Officer Training. Command Kri'kkaa Shuttle Second Lieutenant Command Scoutship First Lieutenant Command Assault Scout Commander Command ASS Captain Staff Rank Commodore Commands the FDF, he or she answers to the PAK Cadet training consists of physical training, weapons and
educational training. The training takes 30 days to complete. The Officer
training consists of 20 days of training. It includes history, leadership and
physical training. The FDF has to enforce different laws for different planets
and systems. Part of the training received by cadets is extensive training in
law *(Law Level 1; considered a Biosocial PSA skill as it is a science). The
specifics of this training is listed below. Terledrom Law: Melee weapons and
grenades are not allowed. Smuggling is considered a serious crime. Groth Law: Weapons are restricted. High import tax on items being brought to the planet by non-government routes. Smuggling is considered a serious crime. Zik-kit Law: Concealed weapons and Helmet weapons are not permitted. There are extremely stiff penalties for assault company property. Each member of the FDF receives standard and dress uniforms. These are white with tan highlights and black rank. A Military Skeinsuit, Albedo Screen, power beltpack and Electrostunner. Members of a boarding team also receive a needler rifle with two magazines of anesthetic ammunition. Table of
Organization and Equipment (1) FDF Frigate Sengsen (5) FDF Assault
Scouts: Dorboru,
Hrrai, K'Riss, V'kkl, Zur'kitl (6) Araks class
Scoutships: Batu, Ch'ttl, Maul, Sword, Yentz, Z'Kit-it (15) Kri'kkaa Shuttles*: varies (3) Armed Space Station: Terledrom Groth Zik-kit *Crew of 2 with 8 man boarding team. Each planet has permanently assigned to it 2 Scoutships and 5 Kri'kkaa Shuttles. The FDF Sengsen and 3 Assault Scouts are assigned to the Fromeltar system. 2 Assault Scouts rotate to the Kizk'-Kar system every 30-60 days. |
![]() September 26, 2013 - 1:21pm | Whats the PAK? I like the name Fromeltar Defense Force as if gives you FDF which has a nice look to it. The percentages are off for population though Terledrom only supplies 10%? and its the heavy population world of the three- that just doesn't seem right. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
September 26, 2013 - 9:08pm | Terledrom is ruled by a council of Vrusk companies (the Pak) and elected Dralasites (Draog Council). The Pak primarily overseas business concerns and the Draog Council oversees social concerns. As for percentages, it is based on the fact that: Groth is an Agriculture world and a Socialist world. 1 - the believe in patriotism and 2 - people don't want to farm their whole life. Zik-kit is a mining planet. No one one wants to mine the rest of their life. Terledrom is an industrial and mercantile world. The best standard of living and level of technology is here. This has lead to low recruiting for the FDF as most people here are happy. |
![]() September 26, 2013 - 10:51pm | 2,000 members? Isn't this a bit low. More like a police force at 2,000 personel. -iggy |
September 27, 2013 - 12:01am | This is just rough draft probably more between 2,000 and 5,000 + the 500 men that are aprt of the crews. |
![]() September 27, 2013 - 6:15am | I think Jedi's point is this: If you have a low population world (with say a poplulation of say 100,000 for sake of discussion) and 3% of the population join up because they are patriotic and want off the planet, that's 3000 members. If you then have a high population world (with say 100,000,000 people) and only one hundredth of one percent of the population are interested in joining because they have it good (a factor of 300 less in interest), the you get .0001 * 100,000,000 = 10,000 joining up. So even if the recuiting percentage is really, really low on the high population planet, the sheer number of people to choose from is going to be higher and so you get more from the planet than from the planet with low population but a higher recruitment percentage. Personally, you don't have to change anything, it's fine as it is. Jedi was just bringing up a point to think about. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
September 27, 2013 - 7:21am | Thanks, Tel. I apologize, I meant the make-up of the FDF is those percentages. So, 1 in 10 beings are from Terledrom, 2 in 10 are from Zik-kit and 3 in 10 are from Groth. That gives 60% of the FDF is from the local population. I saw a previous suggestion about scoutships, shuttles, etc and tried to incorporate that. The article made sense. I differed, in this case, from Militia and Defense Force. Because the Vrusk Company Council has control of this, I rolled it into one. There may need to be an increase in forces. 2 Scoutships and 5 Shuttles may be fine for Groth. It's an AG world with small population but, Terledrom and Zik-kit are high and moderate populations with both having an industrial base. Maybe including more Scoutships & Shuttles or Privateer ships. Any suggestions? |
September 27, 2013 - 7:30am | Here is some info on the systems: Fromeltar System Terledrom is ruled by a council of Vrusk companies and elected Dralasites. The planet has rings that are visible from the ground during the day. Trans-Travel is a planetary corporation and the chief employer of Terledrom. Its headquarters is based in Sengsen. Moons: Wikk - Colony Leen - Industry Masg Artificial Satellites: ASS and DS II Gravity: Day: 60 hours Trade: Industrial -Import: 20% agricultural products from Groth, 75% raw materials from Zik-kit. -Export: 90% industrial products to Groth, 10% industrial products to Zik-kit. History: Dralasites
discovered Fromeltar system in 320 PF; A Sathar fleet moved into the system
after being driven from Madderly's Star during Government: Democratic Syndicracy. Terledrom is ruled by a council of Vrusk companies (the Pak) and elected Dralasites (Draog Council). The Pak primarily overseas business concerns and the Draog Council oversees social concerns. Law: Pistols and rifles are allowed but, no melee weapons and grenades. Most business restrict bringing weapons into the premises so there are a wide variety of storage bins available for rent. Smuggling is considered a serious crime. Population: Dralasite/Vrusk Heavy Cities: Sengsen Groth is an agricultural world. Moons: None Artificial Satellites: ASS Gravity: Day: 45 hours Trade: Agricultural -Import: 90% industrial products from Terledrom -Export: 20% agricultural products to Terledrom, 80% agricultural products to Zik-kit History: Dralasites
discovered Fromeltar system in 320 PF; A Sathar fleet moved into the system
after being driven from Madderly's Star during Government: Socialist agrarian society. Everyone gets a base salary and supplies that can be increased based on job importance, skill, hazards, hours, etc. Patriotism has lessened the impact of laziness as people 'work' all the time in some way to improve the world for everyone. Visitors must pay for the services used or join the system with a work commitment. Law: Few weapons are available and few re needed. Police force use primarily knockout and deterrent weapons. High import tax on items being brought to the planet by non-government routes. Smuggling is considered a serious crime. Population: Dralasite Light Cities: None Kizk'-Kar System Zik-kit has many rich mineral deposits and is a colony of Terledrom. Zik-kit is home to Zik-kit Ordinance Industries. Moons: None Artificial Satellites: ASS, TS Gravity: Day: 65 hours Trade: Industry and Mining -Import: 10% industrial products from Terledrom, 80% agricultural products from Groth -Export: 75% raw materials to Terledrom History: Government: Democratic Syndicracy. Each indigenous company to the planet has a number of votes based upon the number of employees that the company employs. Law: Unconcealed weapons are allowed on person and vehicles. Helmet weapons are considered concealed. There are extremely stiff penalties for assault company property. Population: Vrusk Moderate Cities: None |