![]() December 16, 2012 - 1:10pm |
Develop Corporation CDC, the
kindly megacorp. While PGC and Streel were off fighting wars CDC was making
friends and alliances with everyone. There have been some bumps in the road
like the whole Alcazzar incident and not telling anyone about a habitable
planet while raking in billions but that is the very nature of CDC. They take
the big risks. CDC specializes in insurance companies and in operations of a
risky nature, such as planetary and deep space mining operations, archaeological
digs, and off-Frontier exploration ventures. Sometimes these pay off and
sometimes they do not. CDC has had more pay offs than not or they wouldn’t be a
megacorp. CDC is
all about being upfront with its clients. You are dealing with CDC directly, no
subsidiaries. This makes them look friendlier. On the other hand who thinks
that all this open honesty is hiding something? Who would vote for CDC to be
the most likely to have sent Ripley and crew to go check out that distress signal?
does not have different departments instead CDC has various areas of interest
they persue: Insurance: Hi I am Flobot your friendly
CDC insurance agent, how can I help you? You wish to insure your vehicles, why
of course what do you have? A hovercycle to get you back and forth to the
office and an explorer armed with a laser cannon you use to blast Sathar
traitor agents with. Well I can handle the hovercycle but I will need to refer
you to another office for the explorer. No you can still get the multi-vehicle
discount we just have different needs to fulfill in the possible claims
departments. By the way we can also cover you in life, home, travel, business,
pet, credit, Sathar attack, third party action, amusement park and many other
kinds Planetary
Mining Operations:
Working on planets with established populations, CDC is known to follow all
environmental and safety regulations. While they do go after common material
such as iron and gold they are known for going after harder to get minerals
like unuptainium. One thing is that is not well known is that this is CDC’s
least profitable division. However considering that most of what they do is
behind the scenes like insurance or way out in space like deep space mining and
archeological digs, this gives them the “in” they need on the planets of the
Frontier. How they use this “in” varies but is always to CDC’s advantage Deep Space
Mining Operations:
Asteroid mining, gas giant vapor siphoning, comet reclamation and barren planetoid
stripping are just some of the areas covered here. CDC are major suppliers of
raw ore and smelted and refined metals to many groups especially smaller
population worlds away from the main trade routes. Development: Whether it is archeological
digs on the homeworlds or lost civilizations, financing risky business ventures,
backing independent inventors or boosting a sports team not picked up by Star
Play; CDC looks for places to put their credits and get a return that others
think is impossible. When the
S’sessu relocated to Lossend and wanted to start a krellar fishing fleet, no
one would back them since no one saw a profit in it. CDC not only gave them a
low interest loan but they turned lose a group of inventor who found 42
additional products could be made from krellar. They then took on the marketing
of these products and created additional markets and profits. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
August 26, 2016 - 1:51pm | I like the little S'sessu bit. You probably mean "when a group of S'sessu relocated to Lossend..." Even though I wrote up the planetary briefing of Phri'sk for Frontier Explorer magazine and threw in an event where the Sathar bombed the planet from orbit, leaving some 2 billion dead out of an original population of about 10 billion, I didn't leave their home world unihabitable. Joe Cabadas |
![]() August 27, 2016 - 4:55am | The S'ssessu are probably a mistake thinking about it now. I think I meant to say the Saurians. In my SF the Zeb's races do not exist. I gave the S'ssessu one of the Capellan planets as their homeworld and are a minor race found with advanced technology but not space travel. In my SF the UPF does not follow the Prime Directive. They are driven to find and equip other races so the Sathar can not wipe them out. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
August 27, 2016 - 8:55am | In my SF the Zeb's races do not exist. I gave the S'ssessu one of the Capellan planets as their homeworld and are a minor race found with advanced technology but not space travel. In my SF the UPF does not follow the Prime Directive. They are driven to find and equip other races so the Sathar can not wipe them out. Yes, I'm not one to favor a "prime directive" in Star Frontiers either. After all, the violated it many times in the Star Trek universe. It might be more of a human idea because I can't see the Vrusk or Yazarians caring about it and the Dralasites would debate its pros and cons to the point that practically anyone would give up on the idea. Joe Cabadas |
![]() August 29, 2016 - 1:00pm | In my SF there is a Prime Directive which was debated long in the Halls of the UPF. It is: "To seek out new life and new civilizations and warn and prepare them to defend themselves from the Sathar." My SF is a little less frontier (I have the homeworlds of Core Four plotted), a little more corpoarate (the megacorps own warships) and alot more paranoid about the Sathar. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
August 29, 2016 - 4:34pm | In my SF there is a Prime Directive which was debated long in the Halls of the UPF. It is: "To seek out new life and new civilizations and warn and prepare them to defend themselves from the Sathar." My SF is a little less frontier (I have the homeworlds of Core Four plotted), a little more corpoarate (the megacorps own warships) and alot more paranoid about the Sathar. Gotcha. I go more for it being the far fringes of Human explored space, but that's the beauty of the game. You can make it what you want. Joe Cabadas |