![]() January 5, 2012 - 10:38pm | Brainstorming ideas for this 1. there is no Lossend Militia listed in the campaign game at the end of KHs so its a presumed small organization, probably not precieved to be as professional as Royal Marines or Space Fleet and they totally lack star ships. 2. Ag economy and Light population- unlikely the government of this world built the armed space station- I generally assume that the resident mega corp built that. Grant from Tachton Inst. possibly gave the militia a squadron of fighters and shuttles which gave them some hardware but effetively make them an security screen for the station. There is a better insurance rate for the mega corp on the station if there is a system militia so they donate a squadron of fighters and write off the expense on their taxes and get a cheaper insurance rate. What is the model this force should be based on? Name for the militia? Cant remember if a government structure was suggested in the other Lossend thread but generally I'm assuming a democracy. I think the proposed squardon should be named after the lossend dragan submitted by iggy. Militia should also have responsibility for emergency response planet wide. with a light and far spread population they are the "coast guard" and med flight and "national guard" I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 5, 2012 - 10:42pm | What I've been imagining is a small force, that's loose on military formality but kept very busy responding to emergencies planet wide. Lossend should have a real frontier feel with a little formality in its government or military. This could make it ideal for running a group of PCs. I'm thinking that a dedicated group of volunteers with a large reserve force in the local population perhaps in some ways modelled on Colonial American Militias. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 6, 2012 - 6:47am | Main planetary base is at the star port at "Dawn's Landing" (see the other Lossend thread: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5572) two elite units within this militia: the fighter squadron and a ranger or mountian unit that operates in the most extreme locals on the planet, The ranger unit is hand picked. Perhaps most units are actually reservists: each community drills one day/ week but the only dedicated units are Dawn Patrol (the unit operatimg out of the star port), Dragon squadron operating out of Tachton's space station, and the Rangers which are a planet wide emergency response and sherriff too. Light population- not a big tax base and they could not afford the fighters if not for Tachton. Each community feilds a band that is named for that community which is led by an elected captain. if the band is big enough the captian will split it into two companies and Lt. will be elected to run each under his direction. Military discipline is loose and the reserve status of 90% of the force plays into the hick farm boy image of this militia. Its dedicated units rate at good quality and the whole force rates at high motivation. Its their world and they can take their position as its protectors very serious. EDIT: Militia Reserve units from rural areas where the members live close to the land and are usually farmers are better shots with a rifle. Reserve units out of the two small towns are not as experienced with a gun. I'm guessing that the militia is issued a fairly std. commercially bought military skien suit; in other words it looks exactly like the one you'd get in the PGC catalog. They've made it a uniform by adding some patches. Officers carry a pistol (that they provide though they get an allowance for ammo), everyone else carry's auto rifles issued by the government. Dragon Squadron has a black skien suit or even a albedo suit to set themselves apart as a uniform; again nothing special to this uniform as its readily available through the PGC catalog and you just ad the patches that you pick up from the quarter master at Dawn's Landing. Anyone who wants to carry a defense screen can must provide it themselves. Rangers have the std. military skien suit but set themselves apart with head gear, boony hat or beret or something else like the cockrel feathers that the Italian Bersiglieri decorate their helmets with to this day open to suggestions. It just needs to be something that sets them apart and has a cool factor, making them easily identifiable in a croud. Rangers represent an elite training cadre so that if all the reserves were activated to full time status the rangers could be dispersed to train and drill the reservist up to a higher standard. Numbers: I dont think that we need big numbers as this is really a small militia. so for full time employed militia personnel We have headquarters and Dawn's Landing company which maintain inspections at the star port, they central equipment depot, CnC, and is supported in its operations by the local reservist putting in their Two days every two weeks (other communities just drill one day per week). I'm probably low balling it but 30-60 beings. Rangers- operate out of Dawn's Landing using jetcopters (large squad carrying kind) and using air truck (larger version of the air car but outfitted to be a med flight) About 4-5 squads of 5 beings so 30 or less individuals. Rangers are forced to do a lot of their own maintenance on their vehicles. On paper the Dawn's Landing company does this for them but since their is only one squad of technicians for the equipment based here some vehicles sit for a while waiting to be worked on. Dragon squadron: How many personnel to operate 12 fighter squadron? toss in two hvy shuttles with a good ECM suit (white noise broadcasters in game terms) plus support personnel. Again its probably a low ball number but 5? per space vehicle for 70 plus another 5 to run the show and perhaps another 10 warm bodies for inspections? Total of 85. Grand total of active militia: 145-175. These are low ball numbers so call it 200. Station security is actually performed by Tachton since its their station. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 26, 2012 - 12:21pm | If the planetary government had a federal police service that also functioned as game worden and forestry management it would natural to call them the Lossend Ranger Service or Rangers for short. As time goes on Tacton becomes a mega corp and builds an armed space station in orbit. Since Lossend's economy is strongly based on agiculture cargo inspections become a critical role for the rangers lest some harmful biological gets imported. At some point the government is forced to station a detachment on the station in orbit. By the end of SW2 Tachton decideds to save on the overhead of its security budget and donates several armed shuttles and fighters to the Lossend government. Naturally enough they organized a planetary militia, albeit one that is not void capable. The core of this new militia come from the ranger service so what do you call the new service? Lossend Space Rangers or space rangers for short. ;) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 27, 2013 - 9:06pm | The CEO of Tachton supports the militia because of her SW service. She does not want Lossend to be perceived as weak to the other worlds. She wants Lossend to be better prepared for the "next time". She leverages this to also keep PGC at bay. By providing the militia the resources that the government can't she has gained their trust and aligence. Thus she is armed in the eyes of PGC but to the UPF it is the government that controls the militia and the station. When PGC meddles in the local government the locals favor Tachton's opinions. When PGC presses Tachton, the government support Tachton. -iggy |
![]() October 28, 2013 - 6:08am | I like that too, plus it would not be hard for Tachton to field an army of combat robots in support of Lossend's freedom. In fact Tacton would be very concerned with public perception to be that of Ms. Bovia being a patriotic citizen of Lossend and not just another credit grubbing CEO. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 28, 2013 - 3:00pm | Tachton! Taking your sons out of harms way. -iggy |
![]() October 28, 2013 - 3:04pm |
I just floated a couple possible corporate mottos or ad slogans for Star Play in the Star Play thread of the megacorp project. But I like this one to with a bit of art showing repetitve ranks of robots from a dramatic angle. Tachton! Taking your sons out of harms way. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |