65x65 64 Ring Hex Map - (w/12 Radians)

    Project: Port Loren Public Library
    File Name: 65x65-64Hex_12-Radians_00B.png
    File Size: 175.62 KB
    File Type: image/x-png
    Updated: April 2, 2011 - 2:00am
    Submitted: thespiritcoyote
    Downloads: 12
    65x65 64 Ring Hex Map
     w/12 Radian lines marked

    Navigation maps, with no extra graphics added, at a reasonable scale for viewing.
    Sector, Subsector, System Map.
     Would also work as a  polar/hemisphere map of a planet.

    Used as a planet map, there are fewer curved-flat-paths to account for when tracking ships going into atmo-combat or orbit-to-ground drops, and maps suffer less globe-to-flat deformation problems over all.
    This can also make it easier to track the routes the space-port traffic uses, or where the orbit lines are, without alot of those global-arc curves. 

    With any suggestions or crituqes, for alterations or uses, feel free message me.
    use fewer rings to represent different  planets sizes.