65x65 64 Ring Hex Map (w/8-hex Rings)

    Project: Port Loren Public Library
    File Name: 65x65-64Hex_8hex-Concentric Rings_00A.png
    File Size: 105.59 KB
    File Type: image/x-png
    Updated: April 2, 2011 - 1:59am
    Submitted: thespiritcoyote
    Downloads: 10
    65x65 64 Ring Hex Map
     w/Concentric Rings marked every 8 hexs

    Navigation maps, with no extra graphics added, at a reasonable scale for viewing.
    Sector, Subsector, System Map.
     Would also work as a  polar/hemisphere map of a planet.

    Used as a planet map, there are fewer curved-paths to account for when tracking ships going into atmo-combat or orbit-to-ground drops, and maps suffer less globe-to-flat deformation problems over all.
    It is easy to see the Vrusk preferring to map planets in this way, for numerous reasons.

    With any suggestions or crituqes, for alterations or uses, feel free message me.