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    Character: Ambassador / Lt. Fo

    Version: 1
    Project: Titan Rising Game Setting
    File Name: 34.png
    File Size: 401.84 KB
    File Type: image/png
    Updated: March 3, 2012 - 5:49pm
    Submitted: AZ_GAMER

    Name: Fo
    Race: Xin (Bio-Mechanoid)
    Sex: Male
    Age: 256 (Estimated)
    DOB: 01/19/2143
    Affiliation: Xin Confederation: Tal Clan & Colonial Space Fleet Exploration Command
    Rank: Lieutenant (TDF), Xin Ambassador (Xin Clan Council, Tal Clan Delegate)
    Specialties: Astro-Navigation, Xeno Political Sciences, Hand To Hand Combat.
    Status: Active
    Assignment: CSF Copernicus

    First Xin emissary to be accepted into service with the Terran Defense Forces as part of an exchange program with the Xin goverment as a Astro-Navigator. Achieving the rank of Lieutenant upon graduation from the TDF Academy on the Anchorage Orbital Station. Formerly assigned by the Xin Clan Council as an Ambassador to the United Terran Government.

    First Appearance: TR-Project Hyperion