
Captain Rags's picture
Captain Rags
September 12, 2010 - 3:37pm
Yep, I've finally lost my mind I fear. Was up waaaaaay too late last night working on new races to incorporate into my campaign, and conjured up THIS one: DROWlasites! Sort of an anti-Dralasite player or non-player character. If you go to my SF site, then to the 'new alien races' link, I think you'll agree that my Happy Meal is missing the toy and perhaps a few of the fries too. Foot in mouth

My SF website izz: http://ragnarr.webs.com


Captain Rags's picture
Captain Rags
September 22, 2010 - 10:05pm
And just think; it took that Dralasite 5 minutes to grow that finger too! He somehow knew he'd be pissed 50 turns later!

My SF website izz: http://ragnarr.webs.com

Captain Rags's picture
Captain Rags
September 22, 2010 - 10:18pm

[double posted...disregard]

My SF website izz: http://ragnarr.webs.com

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 23, 2010 - 6:46am
Which bring up; anyone allow drals to shape faster? I've been toying with an Origins table for each race and one of my entries is allowing faster shape changes. 

TerlObar's picture
September 23, 2010 - 10:06am
Nope.  I've always stuck to the 5 minute rule.  They're flexible but it takes work.  The way I see it, with no internal structural frame, if they were more fluid, they'd just be a pile of jelly on the floor.  The slow shape shifting is just a concequense of the fact that they are composed internally of a very viscous and stiff material that allows them to hold shape at all.
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iggy's picture
September 23, 2010 - 10:33am
TerlObar wrote:
... they are composed internally of a very viscous and stiff material that allows them to hold shape at all.
Yup!!  This is why when you poke a hole in one it doesn't just squirt out in a stream.  And hence their bodies can coagulate at the breach and heal.

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 23, 2010 - 10:48am
Human - I've been wounded mate!
Dralasite - I've been breached!
Vrusk - I've been, oh. It bounced off.

iggy's picture
September 23, 2010 - 11:07am
But when a Vrusk does get cracked I'd say that they do bleed more than the other races.  But not a squirting stream or anything like that.

Shadow Shack's picture
Shadow Shack
September 23, 2010 - 3:23pm
Georgie wrote:
Is.. is Shadow's dralasite image flipping me off????

Not you, specifically...he hates everyone. Wink

My dral characters tend to the variety of rude, lewd, crude, piece of pre-chewed food kind of dude.

For example, here's my most recent dralasite that I was portraying at Jedion's "Warriors of White Light 2" game (which is still ongoing, I just haven't been able to participate being between PCs lately). Being new to White Light, he was quick to catch on to the insulting nature of Clarion's alter-namesake and painted a catchy slogan onto his CRM armor to "casually" let others know as he was inspecting their craft:


Captain Rags wrote:
And just think; it took that Dralasite 5 minutes to grow that finger too! He somehow knew he'd be pissed 50 turns later!

Obviously you've never had to wait ten minutes to receive those damned drinks!
I'm not overly fond of Zeb's Guide...nor do I have any qualms stating why. Tongue out

My SF website

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 23, 2010 - 7:43pm
I like it but looks like his mouth is stitched. Money mouth

Captain Rags's picture
Captain Rags
September 23, 2010 - 11:17pm
@Shadow Shack: yeah, 5 minutes waiting for a drink would certainly rate a bold finger, but I usually don't wait that extra minute. btw the way, that Dral pic rocks!

@wOOt: lol Vrusk rule!

@TerlObar: Agreed. But a question pops into me noggin then. If the Dral's body takes time to change shape because of its thicker density, would they still suffer damage from let's say, being constricted by a large snake? Reason I'm asking is because in the writeup I have for the Za'tet race (snakemen), I state that Dralasites cannot be harmed by the Za'tet's constriction ability. Was thinking 'no bones/no damage'. I'm not so sure now.

My SF website izz: http://ragnarr.webs.com

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
September 24, 2010 - 7:14am
 Za'tet could still crush the organs inside a dralasite. :-)

iggy's picture
September 24, 2010 - 9:43am
The crushing would happen after the minimum Dralasite thickness is reached.  I remember reading the minimum thickness somewhere.

Captain Rags's picture
Captain Rags
September 24, 2010 - 8:02pm
So then you're all saying that a Dralasite, and even the awesomely kewl wicked and most styling Drowlasites would take full damage from a Za'tet constriction. I'll change that section on me website then.

My SF website izz: http://ragnarr.webs.com

Tchklinxa's picture
March 18, 2015 - 6:43pm
Okay this is interesting... 
 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."