
Imperial Lord's picture
Imperial Lord
April 4, 2008 - 8:20pm
Noble, fierce, and furry.

Imperial Lord's picture
Imperial Lord
April 4, 2008 - 8:23pm
Ah, the ancient and magnificent Yazirians! If they were not so much at each other's throats, they might be almost as bad as the Sathar!

(Well, that might be a little harsh)

Yarzirians have the most violent history of any race other than the Sathar. Clan violence finally ceased several hundred years ago after the Enlightened Ones came down with Jesus-like religious conviction and got the Clans to respect each other, at least in terms of life, limb, and property.

Yarzirian religion revolves around the teachings of these Wise and Peaceful Brothers, who taught the Yazirians to take their tremendous energy and enthusiasm and turn it into something else besides war - especially on other Yarzirians.

Hence, the Yazirians make a major and massive break with the development of the Sathar. Unlike the Sathar, the Yazirians had ALWAYS had a strong philisophical / religious / peaceful streak in them. It just took hundreds of years to finally take root and change the warrior-culture of the Yazirians.

Yazirians in my campaign are very Klingon-like. They are dour, easy to insult, and take slights very seriously. Most have poor senses of humor, and "not getting the joke" just makes them angrier and makes them think that they are the butt of the joke!

Ritual is EXTREMELY important to Yazirians. Their Enlightened Brothers saw rituals as a way to soothe the violent ways of the Yazirian reptilian mind. It helps, to a point. Yazirians have ceremonies for almost everything, even relatively mundane events and holidays. Major events and honors have ceremonies that can last hours! Screwing up a ceremony is a serious insult. This is another reason the Yazirians don't get on well with Dralasites, who have a lot of trouble supressing their giggling during Yazirian these somber scenes!

Clan is EVERYTHING to Yazirians. Being "Disinherited" is really devastating. Many of these Yazirians become criminals. The only fate worse than Disinheritance in Unjust Disinheritance. However, some Clans do allow an atonement process. Many Yazirians simply kill themselves when faced with such dishonor.

There are many Yazirian folktales / myths of ancient heroes who were unjustly disinherited. They bring tears to the eyes of the most grizzled and battle-hardened Yazirian veteran.

Although their society is as varied as the others in the Frontier, the Warrior Ethos among the Yazirians is still very strong. Their Battle Rage is symptomatic of their readiness to fight to the death at a moment's notice. Battle is in their blood!

Yazirians do not get on with people outside of their clans, let alone with other races! However, an excellent way to make a friend of a Yazirian is to share their sacred Life Enemy and help destroy it, or participate in battle with him or her.

A Yazirian friend is a friend for life, in most cases. The ultimate honor that a Yazirian can bestow upon another is invitation to join their Clan. Although this is rare, it does happen - mostly with Humans and Vrusk.

Once inside of Yazirian's clan, the true warmth and spirit of these beings is displayed. Yazirians among their Clans "let their fur down" and party big-time. Yazirians love large halls that can capacitate the entire clan for parties - always involving massive amounts of alcohol and other intoxicants. Dancing, singing, story-telling, gliding from the rafters, sexual ribaldry and all the other things one would associate with a drug/booze soaked party often occur at these Clan gatherings.

Non-Yazirian members of Yazirian clans become pretty much Yazirians themselves to the Clan members. Money is loaned freely at zero or low interest. All Clan members are expected to put up other visiting members of the clan. Generosity for other Clan members is one of the most endearing qualities of the Yazirians. Many down-and-out humans have been saved by long-forgotten clan members who have happened upon them.

Imperial Lord's picture
Imperial Lord
April 4, 2008 - 8:24pm
Clan membership also comes with duties. Many funny holoshows have revolved around human families suddenly burdened with having to accomodate, entertain, and clean up after large bunches of Yazirian clan members on an interstellar visit! Hilarious when viewed from the outside - as the humans desparately try to parse all of the clan rules, rituals and traditions while trying not to go bankrupt paying for all the hospitality!

At a minimum, expect a Yazirian to show holos of his clan, with long winded descriptions of everything that everyone is doing, combined with a cavalcade of gossip, if you meet a fellow clan member after a long period of time.

Some quirks:

Yazirians hate crowds. They do not like to touch or be touched. Many a barfight has been caused by bumping into a drunk Yazirian. Yazirians do not shake hands of non-Clan members - that is a very special gesture to a Yazirian. They believe that part of the soul of the Yazirian passes on to the being whose hand is being shaked. This has led to some serious misunderstandings among those who do not know this about Yazirians.

Some Disinherited Yazirians travel to the mixed-race planets, relax some of their more intense ways, and adjust quite well to their new situations. The mixed race planets are full of these kinds of Yazirians, and others who find the rituals tedious and the attitudes too hard-core. Most Yazirians do not have this kind of wanderlust, however. The Clan serves as a huge social and cultural cocoon for most Yazirians.

Tragically, some Yazirians still judge others by their clan membership. Many were enemies during the Wars centuries ago, and have never forgotten their feuds and slights. This is especially prevalent among the older, more conservative Warrior Clans. Violence does break out from time to time, but only (it is said) among individuals, not ordered by the Clan itself. Clan War in Yazirian society is considered Utterly Un-Enlightened. It has not occurred among the major clans in hundreds of years. It is the greatest of sins in Yazirian society - going against the most vehement and passionate teachings of the Great Brothers.

Most Yazirians, being very intelligent, understand that not everyone from the other races knows all of their quirks and sensitivities. As a result, most Yazirians that come into contact with other races are prepared mentally for the inevitable gaffes and faux pas that occur with inter-racial contact. Their patience is limited, however.

Certain clans are also mellower and less intense, especially the ones with high numbers of technicians and scientists among them. Some clans even have renounced violence completely, embracing the Ways of The Great Brothers with a monkish-like dedication. Generally speaking, the more warrior-influenced the clan, the more intense and unforgiving that it is.

Yazirian society is still a little male-dominated, but much of this has unraveled since the Enlightened Brothers. Today, most Yazirian females have a more-or-less equal footing to the males. Again, it varies from clan to clan. Some clans are even matriarchies. Again, the more conservative Warrior clans have a more male-dominated slant, for the most part.

Magnificent in battle, capable of spectacular feats of agility, possessed of ancient wisdom, great intelligence; and yet rash, impulsive, intense, ultrasensitive, and quick to anger - the contemporary Yazirian is at the same time an enigma, and also clear for all to see.

And yet you will never have a more loyal and generous friend if you can get a Yazirian to shake your hand - and share their soul (and Clan) with you.