Status: Will Not Fix

    New Games Notification

    Issue Number:
    I didn't even know we had new games going on in the Gameroom. So I suggest when a new game is made for the Gameroom, make them appear on the What's New page. That way everyone knows that live chat roleplaying games are taking place.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    December 1, 2008 - 2:26pm
    This site was never actually intended for live game play.  If I were to devote time and energy (and money) to generating a gaming site, it would have this feature.  This is a development site and some folks play here too... I'm not going to bother adding announcements of this nature.  I may, however, in the near future, consider making a gaming site.  But that's going to be after some other projects are complete... specifically, this one:

    Refer to: FrontierSpace
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    Imperial Lord's picture
    Imperial Lord
    October 21, 2010 - 8:51am
    The gaming area is adequate as it stands.  It's more than adequate - it's great.

    There could be some tweaks and enhancements, but hey.