Status: Need More Information

    Enhancement: Ability to link directly to the last page of a topic/thread

    Issue Number:
    On pages which provide a list of available topics/threads (Main forum page, What's new, My Activities, ...), include an option to link directly to the last page of the thread.

    To read the most current comment to a long thread, one has to first go to the first page of the thread, scroll down to find the next / last / specific page link, and select it.

    It would be nice to have an option to link to the last page of a thread directly from a the master list (some sites will let you go directly to up to 10 pages -- nice to have, I suppose, but the most important feature IMO is to get to the end of the thread / the last location where I have read.)


    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 18, 2007 - 5:57pm
    This has been requested before.  Doesn't seem like they can do this... but you can sort of do this by reading new messages directly from the forum and clicking on the "New" link under the Replies column.  That will take you to the new messages past page 1.

    I think it would be good if the link from the "What's New" list was similarly linked though.  Currently, it just takes you to the first page of the topic.

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 18, 2007 - 6:01pm
    I can see Bill's tombstone now.

    Bill Logan
    Loving husband and father
    Died too young when his head exploded from getting the 112th request for the ability to go to the newest post on his website.

    Actually, this request is a little different. This one's asking for a link, which can be done, I believe.

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 18, 2007 - 6:05pm
    Well, the thing is, there is obviously some record and link available that goes directly to the new messages which are usually on the last page of the thread.  The strange thing is that access to that mechanic is only from within the forum and not from "What's New."

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 18, 2007 - 6:25pm
    It doesn't work from anywhere!  Doesn't work from the forums either, as far as I know Full Bleed.  Providing a link won't work either - because I don't know how it will page at the time of generating the link - it's just not currently possible to provide :(  I have spent days on this issue and just can't get it.  :( !!
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 18, 2007 - 6:51pm
    I'm nowhere near your level of programming, but being a good out of the box thinker, there's no telling what could pop out of my head at any time. Could you post the code you're dealing with, and then we can generate ideas from that?

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 18, 2007 - 6:47pm
    Also, what's the code that makes the new message link appear on the forums page?

    jaguar451's picture
    November 18, 2007 - 7:00pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    It doesn't work from anywhere! Doesn't work from the forums either, as far as I know Full Bleed. Providing a link won't work either - because I don't know how it will page at the time of generating the link - it's just not currently possible to provide :( I have spent days on this issue and just can't get it. :( !!

    Any way to add a '(last)' link or something to the list, and have a fixed 'page' per node that will do the actual page calculations and redirect to the last page?

    For example, '' or somehing to that effect. Or use a function, such as lastPage() or node.1216.lastPage() in the URL?

    Just some random thoughts...

    jaguar451's picture
    November 18, 2007 - 7:09pm
    Corjay wrote:
    Also, what's the code that makes the new message link appear on the forums page?

    Oh, you can click on the 'new' ?

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 18, 2007 - 7:26pm
    Yes, and it takes you to the latest unread posts in the thread.

    It adds "#new" to the end of the link.

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 18, 2007 - 7:36pm
    EDIT: You go to the latest post when you click the "new" link on the thread's line in the forum itself.

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 18, 2007 - 10:18pm
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Doesn't work from the forums either, as far as I know Full Bleed.

    Well, when I'm actually in a forum (i.e. when you use the "new" link under the "Replies" column it will skip to the new messages (even if they are on other pages.) So the forum records exactly which replies are new, not just that there is new activity. And it does know how to skip directly to the new replies if its at the end of a long thread (or in the middle of one for that matter.)

    This is decidedly different from using the "What's New" list to navigate to areas where there is new activity... because when you navigate through "What's New" it always takes you to the first page of a forum post, not directly to the new responses (as you can from within the forum.)

    So, the mechanic is there. It's just only accessible from one place.

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 18, 2007 - 10:17pm
    Corjay wrote:
    EDIT: You go to the latest post when you click the "new" link on the thread's line in the forum itself.

    Hmmm... So you're saying that it only sends you to the end of the post?

    I can't test this right now since I don't have a bunch of new threads to explore, but I was pretty sure that it took me to the beginning of the new activity in a long thread, not just to the last post.

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 18, 2007 - 11:06pm
    I'm not going to post the code Corjay - sorry. It's not like it's a few functions or even a few pages of code - it's literally integrated into the heart of the code.  I was not aware that clicking on the "new" link worked - last time I tested it it did NOT work unless that new post was on the first page.  I also can't test this right now, sadly.  If this issue is really bothering everyone - I'll take the site down for a few days and work on nothing but it.  I'll try to see what I can figure out...
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 18, 2007 - 11:13pm
    Okay - I was able to test.  I changed my comment settings to show oldest first, and only to show 10 comments per page.  Then I went to Game Talk in the General Forum and clicked on a "2 New" link and it failed to take me to the new comment - which was incidentally on page 6 of that forum.  Instead it took me only to the first page.

    That's sad because when Corjay said it worked I got excited that code existed somewhere that could somehow do it... but it seems that's not the case.

    If someone can find a place where it works, I'll be surprised but elated.  I'll try working on this some more though
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 19, 2007 - 12:49am
    Alrighty... I figured out a goofy hacked way to do it.  It's not all fully implemented yet, but at least clicking on the "# new" links takes you to the right page.  Please test?
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    CleanCutRogue's picture
    November 19, 2007 - 12:50am
    Corjay wrote:
    I can see Bill's tombstone now.

    Bill Logan
    Loving husband and father
    Died too young when his head exploded from getting the 112th request for the ability to go to the newest post on his website.

    Actually, this request is a little different. This one's asking for a link, which can be done, I believe.
    FYI - I was born in 1971 ;)
    3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time.

    -top 11 reasons to be a Yazirian, ShadowShack

    jaguar451's picture
    November 19, 2007 - 8:01am
    You young wipper-snapper.. ;-)

    I clicked to this thread from "What's New", so no 'New' button (as expected at this time.) Nothing in 'My Activities' is 'New', so I can't test just yet, and heading to work soon.

    Thanks for putting in the work on this.

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 19, 2007 - 8:05am
    CleanCutRogue wrote:
    Corjay wrote:
    I can see Bill's tombstone now.

    Bill Logan
    Loving husband and father
    Died too young when his head exploded from getting the 112th request for the ability to go to the newest post on his website.

    Actually, this request is a little different. This one's asking for a link, which can be done, I believe.
    FYI - I was born in 1971 ;)
    Oh, okay, old man. I guess it was w00t who was born in 73. Tongue out

    jaguar451's picture
    November 19, 2007 - 8:19am
    I setup 10 posts per page.
    From 'My Activities', I clicked on 'New' (thanks for posting Corjay), and it took me to page 1.... Had to the click myself on '2'.


    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 19, 2007 - 8:51am

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 19, 2007 - 8:56am
    I'd need to create a dummy account to really bring anything to this testing... but something seems wonky to me here.

    I'm trying to figure out why/how I noticed a "difference" between the behavior between the "new" links on the front page (Newest Topics), What's New, and from within the forum itself if there was no difference?  Not saying I couldn't have made a mistake, but that would be an odd mistake to make... especially when I noticed pretty quickly that the way Newest Topics and What's New worked wasn't optimal.

    Then there is the issue that within the forums, on the threads themselves, is the only place that the exact number of new replies is noted (as opposed to just acknowledging new material.)  So how is it that the software specifically know which replies to count as new, but does not have the ability to link to them?

    Very strange.

    I surmise that there might be a small tear in the fabric of reality, time, and space.  ;)

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 19, 2007 - 8:57am
    I tested it (I forgot to redo my post alignment to oldest post first before) and it works fine on both Firefox2 and IE7. It takes me to the first unread post as it should. However, I think there's a problem if it doesn't work for newest post first alignment.

    Since you have the programming working for the links, is there no way to get it to work for when you have posted something new? It just seems like all you need to do is add "#new" to the forwarding address. I just wish I could understand you on why that doesn't work, but I'll only frustrate you if I go into it any further.

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 19, 2007 - 9:06am
    Corjay wrote:
    I tested it (I forgot to redo my post alignment to oldest post first before) and it works fine on both Firefox2 and IE7. It takes me to the first unread post as it should. However, I think there's a problem if it doesn't work for newest post first alignment.

    Ok, maybe we're getting somewhere here... I've always had older posts first... so getting to the new posts almost always required a jump to messages at or near the end of a stack.  This was very noticeable.

    (Aside:  Where do we set the # of posts per page and order of posts?  I did a quick look and didn't see the setting.)

    I'm guessing that the issue isn't as noticeable in the "newest post first" alignment, because unless there are more new posts than the first page holds, you're always going to be starting on the first page.  Not as cool as being sent directly to the first unread response, but not as bad as being sent to the entirely wrong page and having to navigate out to the new activity.

    jaguar451's picture
    November 19, 2007 - 10:32am
    Full Bleed wrote:
    Corjay wrote:

    (Aside:  Where do we set the # of posts per page and order of posts?  I did a quick look and didn't see the setting.)

    Under the first post, before the second post, is where it is for me....

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 19, 2007 - 5:17pm
    jaguar451 wrote:
    Under the first post, before the second post, is where it is for me....

    Doh... hiding in plain sight! ;)

    Kind of another example of having too much information on the screen at one time.  Guess I'm just used to having that setting info in a more obscure area.

    Must... adapt...

    Anonymous's picture
    w00t (not verified)
    November 19, 2007 - 5:35pm
    Full Bleed wrote:
    jaguar451 wrote:
    Under the first post, before the second post, is where it is for me....

    Doh... hiding in plain sight! ;)

    Kind of another example of having too much information on the screen at one time. Guess I'm just used to having that setting info in a more obscure area.

    Must... adapt...

    adapt. ask questions. get answer. browse. create. have fun. :-)

    I almost get the feeling Bill should have created a site "just like everyone else's site" like phpBB so that nobody would be inconvenienced. although this site is more powerful in certain areas it does not have *some* of common features, Drupal shortcomings  not Bills, but were working on it.


    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 19, 2007 - 5:54pm
    Oh, I'm glad he didn't just go with phpbb.  Once past the learning curve, this site is awesome!  I'm enjoying the time I spend here.  But it is, comparatively, cutting-edge and more complex.  That always carries a down-side.

    jaguar451's picture
    November 19, 2007 - 6:22pm
    Aye, that's a future request -- groupings of project by area (rulesets, adventures, equipment, .....), a master download page with "released" versions of projects (also grouped), ....

    ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

    Anonymous's picture
    Corjay (not verified)
    November 19, 2007 - 7:33pm
    Full Bleed wrote:
    jaguar451 wrote:
    Under the first post, before the second post, is where it is for me....

    Doh... hiding in plain sight! ;)

    Kind of another example of having too much information on the screen at one time. Guess I'm just used to having that setting info in a more obscure area.

    Must... adapt...
    Actually, you've just demonstrated one of the strengths of the site and why it's so overwhelming. Everything is right there in your face and properly categorized. Navigation is simple, though takes a couple of clicks because of all the features, but it's standard.

    We have everything but blogging (which is easy to remedy and which I've already suggested to Bill and still want). I think this site is the future of community web sites.

    No other site with similar features (or soon to have such features) have the amalgamated feel of this site. It may be overwhelming at first sight, but it's very cozy.

    Full Bleed's picture
    Full Bleed
    November 19, 2007 - 8:25pm
    Corjay wrote:
    Actually, you've just demonstrated one of the strengths of the site and why it's so overwhelming. Everything is right there in your face and properly categorized. Navigation is simple, though takes a couple of clicks because of all the features, but it's standard.

    From a design standpoint, I'm going to disagree.

    I think having a setting option in my face all the time when it's not something I would be constantly using is a bad idea. It just ends up being clutter that my mind learns to ignore in order to focus more on what's important.  I suspect that's why I didn't "see" it in the first place.

    Nothing has trained people better than on-site advertising to mentally "block" things we aren't going to use. It's the same with navigating my cable box channel guide... about 80% of the screen is data/advertising I ignore with about 20% being information I care about.  It's tunnel vision that is shaped by the interface.