Basic Information
55kgAbility Scores
45/45Initiative Modifier:
+5Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
30%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Racial Abilities
Battle Rage:5%.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Primary Skill Area:
MilitaryBeam Weapons:
Level 6Gyrojet Weapons:
Level 4Melee Weapons:
Level 4Projectile Weapons:
Level 4Environmental:
Level 2Robotics:
Level 2Technician:
Level 4Background
Terc Krenn enlisted into the SDA Planetary Milita program, an SDA
warfare college that made warriors suitable for planetary defense be it
in the local naval craft or on the ground manning the surface battery
weapons. After a four year stretch he was dishonorably discharged for
striking an officer, he served 200 days in the brig and got the boot.
A few months afterwards, he and his sister secured work aboard a rogue light freighter run by a human and a vrusk and picked up some engineering skills along the way, primarily serving as the dorsal gunner of the Phoenix.
Terc doesn't respond well to authority, but he enjoys the company of his new crew as they all have an equal share of the business. He would prefer it if they could somehow break free of the MalCo contracts, but it's still a far cry better than working under the SDA.
A few months afterwards, he and his sister secured work aboard a rogue light freighter run by a human and a vrusk and picked up some engineering skills along the way, primarily serving as the dorsal gunner of the Phoenix.
Terc doesn't respond well to authority, but he enjoys the company of his new crew as they all have an equal share of the business. He would prefer it if they could somehow break free of the MalCo contracts, but it's still a far cry better than working under the SDA.
- Skeinsuit (civilian)
- Albedo Screen w/50SEU PowerBeltPack
- Laser Pistol
- Electric Sword
- 4 20SEU Powerclips
- Chronocom, ID
- AS Implant
- Envirokit
Racial Abilities: Gliding, Night Vision, Battle Rage ( 25% )
Expereince Points: 0
Credits: 29,187
Knight Hawks :
- Energy Gunnery LVL:3
- Rocket Gunnery LVL:1
- Engineering LVL:1