Cryxia System

jedion357's picture
June 25, 2023 - 11:32pm
Cannon Material 

Cryxia (K5) star Orange Dwarf    Examples:  Epsilon Indi & 61 Cygni 
Mass range0.6M? to 0.9M?
Temperature3900 °K to 5300 °K
K-type main-sequence stars are about three to four times as abundant as G-type main-sequence stars, making planet searches easier.[10]K-type stars emit less total ultraviolet and other ionizing radiation than G-type stars like the Sun (which can damage DNA and thus hamper the emergence of nucleic acid based life). In fact, many peak in the red.[11]

Radiation hazard[edit]

Despite K-stars' lower total UV output, in order for their planets to have habitable temperatures, they must orbit much near to their K-stars hosts, offsetting or reversing any advantage of a lower total UV output. There is also growing evidence that K-type dwarf stars emit dangerously high levels of X-rays and far ultraviolet (FUV) radiation for considerably longer into their early main sequence phase than do either heavier G-type stars or lighter early M-type dwarf stars.[12] This prolonged radiation saturation period may be sterilising, destroying the atmospheres of, or at least delaying the emergence of life for Earth-like planets orbiting inside the habitable zones around K-type dwarf stars


A K-type star's habitable zone approximately ranges between 0.1–0.4 to 0.3–1.3 AU from the star. Here, exoplanets will receive only a relatively small amount of ultraviolet radiation, especially so towards the outer edge.

Pi'Ka'Nair orbit: 0.2 AU     T'Zaan orbit: 1.2 Au

Body  PR PopTR Grav Day Sat  MoonsUses 
 Pi'Ka'Nair * Hvy A 0.5 12 None Bu'd None
 T'Zaan * Mod A 1.0 20 TS None 

Pi'Ka'Nair is warmer and T'Zaan is cooler

Note to self: compute a 1 AU journey between the two inhabited planets 

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!