![]() December 16, 2021 - 8:29pm | Had this idea and wonder what folks think: All Rim Species crew on a CFM ship (one was detailed in the second issue of the FE I believe ( if not second then the 3rd issue- it was that first year we were publishig) Mission is one thing- CFM ships are like Air National Guard and can be activated for missions and with heightened sathar activity a CFM merchant captian has his ship activated to scout and monitor the Zebulon system (it has a different name for the Rim Coalition). They may land and have first contact with members of the core 4 on the panet before the Battle of Volkos OR they will witness the sathar fleet that arrives at the end of the 3rd Volturnus module and they will witness the UPF/ Truane militia fleet arrival. Key point here is that its an all Rim species crew to start. Core 4 NPCs can be added to the crew. replacement PCs for characters that die can be core 4. How would you feel about this sort of campaign and being forced to have a PC species taken from Zebs? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 16, 2021 - 8:41pm | equipment list would need some modification and changing IMO not neccesarily just using Zebs equipment as it is a crappy equipment list when you consider it objectively. Maybe change ammo, maybe just add a (R) behind a weapon to identify it as a Rim Stun pistol? eliminate rifles almost altogether- as they are really not appropriate for the ifshnit and the humma but create a scaled down rifle- the carbine (as in the cavalry carbine) a shorter rifle that was easier to use mounted on a horse but in this case the "natural" size for this type of weapon for the Ifshnit and humma physiology. The Boon'sheh and their multi-pistol would be possible, I wrote them into the setting as co-evolving on Hum with the Humma which explained some things in the Humma description. They have been rounded up and rellagated to reservations like Native Americans with sizable population deported to some of the inhabitable moons of Hum The Rim species have a long history with the sathar prior to first contact with the UPF. they are aware of Zebulon system but again it has a different name. They monitor it as it seems to be a vector for sathar incursion. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 17, 2021 - 11:27pm | I think it would be cool "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() June 1, 2023 - 9:41am | Capri is the ancient ifshnit word for crew used by Free League traders on Homeworld from the age of sail. The Capellan Free Merchants use the motto Capri Ke Capella which translates literally as " The Crew Are Capella" the tradition behind this is that joining a free merchant crew in the old days meant the ties between crew were paramount over family. Anyone can join a modern Capellan Free Merchant crew ie any sapient species becomes Capellan regardless of species or gender and any such non ifshnit species can become a CFM captain. This effectively means the CFM is one of the most integrated institutions in the Frontier I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 1, 2023 - 9:47am | To be sure ifshnits dominate the CFM followed closely by the humma then the osakar, then humanity then an equal distribution of dralasites, yazirians and vrusk. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 1, 2023 - 10:34am | Capella system seems like a good place to start 3 inhabitable worlds each with a space station. However, if start is in another rim system the shake down cruise could be a journey to Capella and PCs get a payday then can blow money in the Minzii Marketplace which is a little bit of a reward. At that point they get a Flight contract to deliver supplies to the Flight's hidden scout in the Xu system (Zebulon). They get there to discover the scout is missing, checking back via subspace telegraph they're tasked with taking up the scout's mission- every CFM captain holds a reserve commission such that the ship can be activated for military purposes. Pirates or advance Sathar forces happened to the Flights scout ship, I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 1, 2023 - 10:47am | 1st cruise Rim Shot. CFM captain lost portion of crew when ship was jumped by a sathar DD (or some other event to explain sudden crew berth openings) in Klaeok/Point Go it puts into the docking station for repairs. And puts out word hiring (that's where PCs come in) might have some small jobs to get done while game organizing. Captain is NPC obviously. Money is now tight for this captain so he takes a high risk cargo for delivery in Capella system. A rogue humma crew is looking to take this cargo so this leg is Capella Run. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 1, 2023 - 11:30am | Maybe a humma pregnant humma has been medically certified to be carrying a litter of cubs. The job is to get her home to Hum in Fochrik system, problem is a female baring live litter instead of the accursed one individual cub/pup changes the political fortune of her clan. And there in lies the conflict. Current clans in power don't want the political power structure changed. This would then be a Fochrik Run. Attempts to bribe, nidnap and attack the ship from Point Go to Fochrik. Successful completion means uneventful trip from Fochrik to Capella- milk run and payout in Capella with chances for some small side quests and shopping trip to Minzii Market. Next mission is a government charter to redupply a Flight scout ship in Xu (Zebulon system). Xu means ruins in Osakar and Rim Coalition is aware of destroyed eorna civilization. Xu has been a vector of sathar incursion to Osak system hence a hidden scout with subspace telegraph as a picket. It's actually lucrative for PCs ship to take the government sponsored supply run. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |