The Kuratas Mech

SFAndroid's picture
June 29, 2017 - 10:13am

A real mech you can buy today...if you've 1.3 Million bucks lying about.

Level 3 Robot body with direct control and seating for a pilot?

All I know is...if I win Powerball, I'm going to drive it all over the country and say Hi to all of you.

You can't argue with the invincibly ignorant. - William F. Buckley

JCab747's picture
June 30, 2017 - 10:37am
BattleTech here we come.
Joe Cabadas

jedion357's picture
July 1, 2017 - 3:46am
Did they really have a Japanese school girl in fishnet stocking demonstrate this!?!?
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

SFAndroid's picture
July 3, 2017 - 2:22pm
Jed, well obviously she... Jed, to reduce her risk of snags entering the vehicle... Jed...I.I.I...I got nothing...
You can't argue with the invincibly ignorant. - William F. Buckley

Sargonarhes's picture
July 3, 2017 - 6:21pm
Anime cliche, a school girl instead of a woman in an armored bikini. A regular viewer of anime would know this stuff.
It's going to be AT Votoms before it's anything else.
In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.

jedion357's picture
July 4, 2017 - 9:25am
Dont miss understand me, I'm not objecting, I was just caught by surprise. But then again I should not be surprised by what comes out of Japan.

Now, does anyone think this might have been a joke? The water bottle launcher was shoulder fired, the dual BB gatling guns were never truly demonstrated, the video- as I understand it is more than a few years old, any company that has worked out the kinks on their robot would certainly produce a new video to promo the product- even if it was just cell phone video. This could have been very carefully filmed and edited without a really functioning robot when you come to think of it.

Last video I saw of a "functioning" mech had the mech supported by chains.

And of course a Japanese school girl in fishnet would serve the purpose of distracting you so that you dont think too critically about what you're seeing.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!