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    Updated: February 12, 2011 - 6:07pm
    Submitted: AZ_GAMER

    Mustered into service during the Frist Sathar War the militia warship S.S. Wanderer became a successful member of the coalition fleet against the Sathar. At the end of the war the hearty design was duplicated in the UPF Triad Class Frigate.


    jedion357's picture
    February 12, 2011 - 6:12pm
    I have to say that the dead on view of this ship looking down the long axis is just not pretty but that also fits with its place being early in the timeline.
    I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

    AZ_GAMER's picture
    February 12, 2011 - 6:15pm

    An updated version of the Triad Class Frigate from back in First Sathar War era. For those who saw the first version you can understand why I had to do redux it. It had the right functional form but had no asthetics to it at all. I reshaped the command module, shortened the engineering section, and flipped the engine unit 180 for a sturdier look. I still want the ship to have a little bit of a bulky awkward almost clunky look to it but still have it retain the inherent coolness that a starship should have. There also is an Ion Drive Variant of the SS Wanderer included at the bottom to give you an idea of what the same ship would look like with an ion / electrical plasma drive.

    I am considering using this model as the basis for an ion drive mine layer. What do you think?

    I never thought that the original SFKH minelayer really fit the design criteria of the canon rules and it seemed to be a homage design of the Romulan Warbird from the Star Trek Universe