"Freeze! Star Law!" by Kim Eastland (Dragon Magazine #87) Part 3

Star Law Ranking

Although there are many different positions with Star Law and Various grades within those positions, there are only a few that Star Frontiers players or referees need concern themselves with. The titels and definitions of those positions are:

1. Star Law Deputiy Officer (DO): A Star Law DO is a rookie officer, fresh out of the academy. He or she is in effect a lower-grade City Officer and is assigned to assist someone of a higher rank, usually a full City Officer. After a period of time, usually one of three years, the Deputy Officer is evaluated and may be promoted to a higher grade. On rare occasions, a DO might be promoted into positions as high as Chief Agent, depending upon his background, skills, and abilities. A Star Law DO cannot be immediately promoted to Range status, however.

2. Star Law City Officer (CO): A Star Law Co may have many Deputy Officers below him. Usually a CO is a Star Lawman who has authority only over a particular city. COs work only in major cities on highly advanced planets.

3. Star Law Planetary Officers (PO): A Planetary Officer may have many Deputy Officers below him; on major civilized planets, he may command some COs as well. A Planetary Officer cannot exercise his authority on another planet unless ordered to do so by his Commanding Officer at Port Loren.

4. Star Law Deputy Agent (DA): Star Law DAs may command numbers of Deputy Officers, POs, and COs. A Deputy Agent governs investigations that assist other law enforcement and security forces. DAs can command POs and COs in their planetary system only.

5. Star Law Chief Agent (CA): A Chief Agent is one rank above the DA and can command all officers below his rank. he has the power to override the authority of the security forces within his planetary system when dealing with investigations there. A CA is extremely powerful within his system.

6. Star Law Ranger: Rangers are a sort of cross between DAs and CAs in authority, except they can exercise their power in any system within the Frontier Sector. They operate one level above CAs in the Star Law chain of command, but usually work with other security forces rather than commanding them. Rangers are usually called in when hostile alien intrigue is suspected (Sathar plots in particular).

7. Star Law Marshals: This unusual position is usually awarded to Rangers whoes jurisdiction extend into the Rim systems. Some Marshals patrol theĀ  Rim Exclusively. They have authority over other Star Law Rangers and all lower ranks. Their numbers are few and turnover is high. They usually work alone.

8. Star Law Commanders: A Star Law Commander is a Marshal empowered to venture into alien space. He has complete authority to operate in the UPFs best interests there. In the Frontier and Rim, he can command all of the above levels of Star Lawmen. Commanders are the only persons in Star Law who can legally kill an intelligent lifeform without any evidence buth their own word. Only a handful of Commanders exist, and they report to the UPF Security Council along with the Star Law Captain-General.