Alpha Dawn Expanded

Document container for project design documents.

Alpha: Robots

All your robot goodness!


Survey Robot.

BODY TYPE:Heavy Duty
MOVEMENT:4 mechanical legs for surface movement; enclosed modified jetcopter engine for aerial movement
SPEED:20 kph on surface; 350 kph/50 kph airborne
RANGE: 1000 km or 1000 minutes hovering or any combination adding up to 1000
LIMBS: 2 mechanical arms, each with the strength of about 5 men
PROGRAMS: Attack/Defense
Computer Link
Topographical Survey
Sample Collection
Photo Survey
Site Maintenance
500 points
1 heavy laser, turret mounted with 100 SEU power pack;
1 automatic rifle, turret mounted with 100 rounds, fires bursts of 10 rounds, with basic chance to hit of 70%.
Field of fire for both weapons is 180 degrees forward.
The lander module carries three of these robots. They were designed to remain with the robot research station in the lander after the Moraes leaves. Thereafter, they carry out many tasks: collecting soil, water and plant samples, conducting photo surveys, mapping, etc.
These robots are durably built to withstand terrific punishment, since repair is impossible once the expedition ship leaves. Each robot has a surplus lifting capacity of 50 kg,. but no provision for transporting anything bulkier than small survey samples.
These robots have attack/defense programs to help protect the expedition. the attack program's first priority is to attack a designated target. The second priority is to defend against attackers not specifically designated as targets.
The defense program directs automatic attacks against intruders entering a forbidden area (defined by a specific command). "Intruder(s)" may be specified by detailed descriptions. The automatic attacks are conducted first against the closest intruder, and second against other intruders.


This device provides remote radio control of a survey robot. Each robot has its own specific controller to avoid receiving conflicting commands. The controller includes a joystick and a two-way radio for verbal commands. Two miniature video screens project visible-light and infra-red views from five robot-mounted cameras. Each controller can operate in three modes:

  1. General verbal commands within mission and functions.
  2. Specific verbal commands within or outside mission and functions.
  3. Joystick control with verbal command overrides. This is direct control of the robot. The joystick controls the robot's alititude and direction; its pressure hand-grip controls the robot's speed and weapons.

Beta: Vehicles

Aircar Altitude

Open Top Aircars (Utility to Basic)

Closed top aircar

These type of aircars have a max ceiling of 9,100 meters. This is due to the oxygen levels needed to sustain brain activity. At this height without oxygen a character will loose consciousness in less then one minute.

Refer to the table below :

10% decrease in oxygen
STA check + 20% or become unconsious
DEX/RS/INT/LOG cut by 10%
30% decrease in oxygen
STA check or become unconsious imediatley,
after 30 turns PC becomes unconsious automatically
DEX/RS/INT/LOG cut by 50%
5,401 -

Enclosed Aircar

Max ceiling is 20,000 meters.
These types of aircars may be sealed or pressurized. The wealthy and some military units have add-ons for limited sub-atmospheric flight.

Luxary Aircar

Sport Aircar

Add this info
Rum Rogue wrote:
Looking through a few Dragon articles this is what I could find:
Tanks Alot, it states that bombs can be mounted on pylons on an aircar.
Here Comes the Cavalry gives a brief description of an VTOL Fighter-Bomber as "An armored aircar with exterior weapon mounts this is designed for high-speed bombing runs. However, it is versatile enough to hold its own in a dogfight.
From Freighters to Flying Boats, under the description of Amphibious Aircar we see "... Its underside and wings have pontoons to keep the craft afloat."

There is still no type of altitude given, but it would seem to allude to the aircar being capable of actual flight.

In the adventure Mission to Alcazaar, pg 18 (remastered edition), an encounter with an aircar has the vehicle aproaching at 400kph with an altitude of 50 meters.

Ground Vehicle Variations

Base model vehicles and performance specs are as described on page 29-30 of the Star Frontiers/Alpha Dawn "Expanded Game Rules" book. The only exception is a hovercycle top speed should read 180kph, not 120kph. Variations are as follows:

Table A: Size Variations (Cars & Cycles)
applicable to both ground and hover vehicles

Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedPassengersCargoCost
Intermediate-10- n/a --10+10- n/a -- n/a --25%-10%
Mid-Sized- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -
Large+10+10+10- n/a --10+50%**+50%+15%
Heavy- n/a -+20- n/a --10-20+100%+100%+30%
*round up
** round down

Table B: Style Variations (Cars & Cycles)
applicable to both ground and hover vehicles

 Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedSPECIALCost
Standard- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -
Cruise-10kph+10%- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -+10%
Utility*-10kph- n/a -- n/a -- n/a - -10- n/a -+20%
Luxury- n/a -+20kph- n/a - - n/a --10- n/a -+25%
Sport+10kph-10 kph+10 +10+10- n/a -+40%
Super Sport+20kph-20kph+20+20+20- n/a -+50%
Dual Sport- n/a -- n/a -+10-10 -10 +0.1 Terrain+30%
Adventure- n/a -- n/a -- n/a --20-20+0.2 terrain+40%
Vintage/Classic-10kph-10kph-10- n/a --10- n/a --50 to +500%
Custom**variesvariesvariesvaries varies varies varies

* Utility vehicles may alternate passenger and cargo space by any combination of 50%/50% (e.g. a standard utility ground car may convert 75kg/0.5cubic meter of cargo space to 3 passenger seats, can't exceed the 50% on either end)

**CUSTOM variations allow for combinations, such as sport/standard. Use the lesser applicable modifier and average the cost modifiers. Use common sense where applicable, such as a longer wheelbase vehicle (chopper or stretch limo) would have a turn speed penalty etc

Table C: Size Variations (Transports & Explorers)
applicable to ground & hover transports and explorers

 Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedPassengersCargoCost
Standard- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -
Large -10kph+10kph-10-10-10+33%+50%+50%
Heavy Duty*-20kph+20kph-20-20-20+100%+100%+100%

*TRACK MOBILE chassis available @ +25% cost, not permitted in city streets

Table D: Style Variations (Transports & Explorers)
applicable to ground & hover transports and explorers
 Top SpeedCruise SpeedAccelDecelTurn SpeedPassengersCargoCost
Sport+20kph-10kph+10+10+10- n/a --25%+25%
Utility*- n/a -- n/a -+10- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -+30%
Passenger- n/a -- n/a -- n/a -+10- n/a -+20-75%+20%
Cargo- n/a -+10- n/a -- n/a -- n/a --50%+100% +10%
a standard style is also available, no additonal cost or variables

* Utility vehicles may alternate passenger and cargo space by any combination of 50%/50% (e.g. a standard utility explorer may convert 3 passenger seats to 1000kg/3 cubic meter of cargo space)

Appendix 1: Modifications

Sidecar (cycles only): +1 passenger/+50% cargo, -10 accel/decel/turn speeds --- Cost: 500Cr

Detachable Luggage (cycle or car): +50% cargo space --- Cost: 75Cr

Utility Trailer: +100% cargo space, -10 accel/decel/turn/top speeds for each trailer added --- Cost: 250(cycle)/750(car)/2500Cr(transport)Cr

Air Brakes/Hard Brakes (hover/ground): +10 decel; --- Cost: 1000Cr

Re-geared Transaxles(any): +10 accel/decel & -10 Top/Cruise OR -10 accel/decel & +10 Top/Cruise --- Cost: 50Cr

GyroStabilizers: +10 turn speed --- Cost: 2500Cr

+1 Powerplant Rebuild: +10 to Top/Cruise/Accel/Decel/Turn speeds --- Cost: 15000Cr*

+2 Powerplant Rebuild: +20 to Top/Cruise/Accel/Decel/Turn speeds --- Cost: 25000Cr*

+3 Powerplant Rebuild: +30 to Top/Cruise/Accel/Decel/Turn speeds --- Cost: 35000Cr*

High Performance Racing Chip (HPRC, any): +20 top speed & accel, +10 decel & turn speeds --- Cost: 20000Cr

*Powerplant rebuilds may not exceed the +3 category. A +1 rebuild can be performed initially, followed later by another +1 or a +2 rebuild but can never exceed the +3 bonuses.

Gamma: Weapons & Defenses

All your weapons are belong to w00t!


Misc items.

Jump Event

Jump events are whirlpools of space/time left after a ship leaves or enters the Void.
The larger the ship, the larger the jump event.
Deric spent the next couple of hours riveted to the search scans, taking brief pauses to check his squadron status, it was during one of these that Shelidra Matninger his XO broke the routine.

“Lightning 6 this is Lightning 5, I have multiple jump events approximately 16 AU’s out.” She said.

The model of Talon fighter that she was in boasted an improved sensor package that had half again the range and sensitivity of Deric’s.

“Can you get ID conformation this far out?” Deric asked
-Doc Fishbone


This writeup is for the Omega campaign setting, tho it appears in Phoenix Dawn as the headset computer.

Descriptions are the same, and both were inspired by too many episodes of Earth 2.



Replacing PDAs, cellular phones and the like by 2050, the CyberLink combines a communicator, a Level 3(8 function point) computer, a holoprojector and a chronograph into a unit which fits around the wearer's head.

The holoprojector is a recticle extending from the earpiece and fitting over the wearer's right eye, while a microphone extends from the earpiece to just below the user's mouth. The computer itself is built into the brace leading from the top of the earpiece and wrapping across the top of the user's head.


The CyberLink(or Link) is operated solely by voice command and has several plasma matrix memory modules surface mounted into the system mainboard.


The Link weighs in at 0.5 kg, due to lightweight materials, and costs 10,500 credits.




Yazirian Clans

Yazirian Clans of the Frontier

by Shadow Shack

Roll d100 to determine Clan (DiceRoller at bottom of document)

01-16: Hentz, Araks system

01-13 = "Anglann" --- a.k.a. "Family of One", a religious clan. CUrrent rulers of Yast and have held that title for over 240 years. Symbol is a seven pointed star, representing their creator

14-16 = "Backa" a very sensitive and understanding clan. Noted for their shorter stature, 2d10cm shorter than average height.

17-23 = "Brisara" a clan noted for their lust for flight, gliding is a past time taken very seriously and they often hold competitions. Symbol is a pair of golden wings, often printed across chest and back of any clothing worn.

24-34 = "Gorlia" hot tempered clan, often feuds with Anglann and occassionaly challenges them for rulership. All Gorlians wear an ivory ear ring and add 5% to their Battle Rage

35-38 = "Kesha" pranksters and jokers who love humor, get along well with Dralasites

39-46 = "Knar-Kenda" a very aggressive clan of warriors, allied with Unglann and have served them during most of their rule. Symbol is a silver star worn around the neck.

47-52 = "Kuegla" a clan of music lovers, always carry a hand made instruement in pocket or around neck

53-60 = "Tundaria" worshippers of the beauty of space, wear an ivory star cluster around neck or wrist.

61-67 = "Turania" desert nomads sporting a very thin coat of fur that barely covers their skin.

67-70 = "Vantaria" lovers of rare and valuable objects, wear a sable cloak or cape. Vantarians save 10% of their income to purchase rare goods.

71-80 = "Zamoria" hunters noted for their animal skin wardrobes.

81-00 = no traceable clan

17-31: Hargut, Gruna Garu

01-12 = "Barakha" a strong Yazirian clan noted for their stocky build, proud hard workers. No STR/STA penalty for Barakhan Yazirians

13-28 = "Hargutia" original settlers and rulers of Hargut

29-35 = "Khitala" a clan that favors blade weapons, members of this clan carry a slver plated blade weapon and cherish it as their prized possession (the weapon usually has a story behind it)

36-44 = Khordova" a highly respected warrior clan known for wearing spiked armbands, former enemies of Shurkian clan but have lived in peace with them for nearly a century

45-48 = "Marala" sea dwelling clan able to hold breath for extended periods (#turns equal to STA)

49-52 = "Nievara" known for their thick coats of fur adapted for colder climates, they don't tolerate heat very well (-5 STR, -10 DEX in desert climates)

53-57 = "Nistaria" mysterious clan often seen performing odd rituals, members wear a multi-colored phosphorescent globe around neck

58-64 = "Regaria" fierce and barbaric clan known for multiple life enemies, natural brown & tan camouflage pattern on dan (flaps)

65 = "Rojoria" a clan that has nearly been driven to extinction by the Regarians during past feuds, noted for their deep reddish brown fur

66-72 = "Shurkia" another respected warrior clan known for their necklaces comprised of teeth removed from their slain enemies. Established the peace treaty with their former rival Khordova clan

73-76 = "Velia" cruel and nearly evil natured clan noted for their jet black fur

77-80 = "Xuthora" a fierce, wild, and uncivilized clan not known for using much in the way of technology. Max LOG score for a Xuthoran is 45

81-00 = no traceable clan

32-43: Athor, Yast

01-18 = "Amona" a neutral minded clan that works well with any race, symbol is a gold leaf of trust

19-20 = "Hyrkania" another clan nearing extinction thanks to space fairing mermbers cross breeding with other/non clan related Yazirians, known for their athletic build and uncanny speed & reflexes. Symbol is a silver lightning bolt, members of this clan have ambidexterity (similar to Vrusk) and human movement speeds.

21-25 = "Ophiria" wood dwelles and nature lovers, members wear a plastic embalmed insect around their necks

26-45 = "Pasamoria" a peace loving clan who willingly fights for freedom, noted for well groomed appearances and a feather cluster on a neck chain. If a life enemy is selected it is usually Sathar related or anyone else that threatens peace and prosperity.

46-50 = "Styzhia" a clan of tribal "witch doctors" known for small horns growing from behind their ears and a prehensile tail capable of wielding small tools (but not weapons).

51-65 = "Wastrala" a somewhat suicidal clan, members have a do or die mentality and when there is no hope of survival they are prone to doing extreme acts to take out their enemies with no regard to their own being. Symbol is a silver dagger worn around the neck

66-80 = "Zigara" a warrior band known for dipping/plating their fangs and claws with metal

81-00 = no traceable clan

44-51: Hakosoar, Scree Fron

01-15 = "Bakala" clan whose members are typically seen in groups of three all brandishing three weapons, symbol is a triangle

16-40 = "Kabarla" a clan centered on the beliefs and basis of truth, justice, and law. On their homeworld they are often seen riding elegantly adorned horses, symbol is a prancing horse

41-50 = "Polara" a clan that originated in the polar caps but have since adapted to most weather conditions, noted for their white fur

51-65 = "Tuborga" a warlike clan known for grooming their hair into a mowhawk or top knot.

66-80 = "Ziriya" a somewhat rational clan lacking the typical arrogant and pushy attitude amongst Yazirians, noted for dying their fur in non-natural colors

81-00 = no traceable clan

52-55: Histran, Scree Fron

01-35 = "Invia" a taller breed known for their grey fur and icy blue eyes, add 2d10cm to height

36-60 = "Norso" a religious clan that practices their "version" of human beliefs, symbol is a hexagon with a X through it. Forbidden to use weapons that shed blood, restricted to clubs and stun weapons, or non-HTH sonic arms.

61-80 = "Venusia" seekers of beauty, love, and harmony. An unofficial clan comprised of genetic cross-breeding intervention with human genes, resulting in a mix-breed group often sporting features and abilities from both Human and Yazirian races (figure 50% chance for each Yazirian trait: flaps for gliding, battle rage, night vision, height, body fur, four knuckles, etc)

81-00 = no traceable clan

56-70: Non-Yazirian World of Origin

01-10 = roll again to indicate clan of origin, full-bred clan member transplant

11-30 = roll again to indicate clan of origin, half breed between two clans

31-60 = roll again to indicate clan of origin, half breed from one clan, other clan untraceable

61-00 = no traceable clan

71-00: Completely Untraceable